What do you think Judas means?

Lady Gaga - Judas Meaning

Album cover for Judas album cover

Song Released: 2011

Judas Lyrics

Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as

Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Juda-a-a
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Gaga
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Juda-a-a
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Gaga

When he...

  1. anonymous
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    Sep 18th 2013 !⃝

    The theme of the video is a portrayal of modern-day Jerusalem. Lady Gaga plays Mary Magdalene, leading into the town where Jesus is. Beginning with the motorcycle scene, she is happy riding with the Jesus- the man with the crucifix crown (representing good/heaven.)Then Judas( the man with black sunglasses) comes along and seduces her into the dark/satanic side.

    As the dancing scene begins, she at first pushes Judas down but he keeps coming towards her. Jesus saves her (the crowd scene) and she follows him. Though from here, she tries to fight temptation and begins sinning by falling for Judas. As she points the lipstick gun towards him ( the irony being that guns are usually dangerous weapons & meant to destroy, but instead only portudes an harmless lipstick), she cannot bring herself to harm him/destroy her love for Judas. As a result, she sinks down in agony from distraught after smearing lipstick on his face.
    The scenes then switch between her standing by the ocean waves & sitting in the tub middle of Jesus [good] & Judas[evil]. She is choosing which side she will serve. Her decision is made as she choose to cling to the leg of Jesus later on-Jesus is my virtue, but Judas is the demon I cling to. She gives herself to the good, and Jesus forgives her. But because she had sinned by giving in to Judas earlier on, she is punished as she stands in her white dress and falls to the ground being stoned to death. This suggests that just because one shows repent or remorse, doesn't mean their wrong actions won't result in consequences.

  2. anonymous
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    Jun 2nd 2013 !⃝

    Like what if she is talking about another Judas,,,what if it's not the one we think it is,,,,what if lady Gaga is not evil,,,what if its all just for a Good Reason,,,Guyz u don't know the truth yet,,,so please, for your sake,,,listen to the song or don't,,,no one is forcing u *roles eys*

  3. anonymous
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    Nov 23rd 2012 !⃝

    i'm a muslim and i really admire her and also her songs.i'm a little monster from bottom of my heart.who disagrees that she's not an real artist?

  4. anonymous
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    Nov 14th 2012 !⃝

    "smashing"...try the other good eye, you are looking through the blind spiritual one.
    GAGA- name of a demon.

  5. anonymous
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    Nov 7th 2012 !⃝

    I heard about this antichrist thing from a freind and i wanted to check it out... i have never liked lady gaga, she is fake, vulgar and an exhibitionist. Her voice is mediocre and her songs When ive had the misfortune to hear them are uninspiring. However Her songs are just songs... we can listen to them or not no ones forcing us to. We all have free will and web cant expect others to have the same values as us, just try our personal best to be a good person. And to tell u the truth accusing her of being the antichrist is being over the top. I detest holier than thou people almost as much as i detest lady gaga.

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  6. anonymous
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    Oct 24th 2012 !⃝

    This is about the general battle of "GOOD vs EVIL".

    And her messages (audio & visual) should be interpreted as a whole, including all her videos, and those in turn should not be fragmented from the world we live in.

    The best interpretation I've read here is by 'anonymous' on Apr 16th 2011, 11:16 on page 1, but I'd like to ad this:

    That Lady Gaga is ILLUMINATI/New World Order (NWO) is obvious to anyone that have studied them, and semiotics, and the illuminati do indeed belive in a god (of their own personal choise).

    The illuminati is an esoteric society but they communicate overtly in many ways through symbolism, and Gaga's videos are soaked with it, visually, and in Judas also lyrically.

    THIS SONG IS ABOUT OUR IMMINENT FUTURE: about the beginning of the death of clerical religions and their followers, and that the beautiful diversities of humanity are about to be replaced by a monolithic 'One God, One Currency, One Nation, One World Government'. The comming system of synthesis.

    That's what all those various crises escalating rapidly past few years (economical, political, managerial, environmental, religius & secular wars, etc) are designed for. To make You repel them.

    All those manipulated problems of "this vs. that" will make people repel them and thus choose the new sollution of the "middle path" that the illuminati have planned for us: according to the consept of 'Thesis x Antithesis = Synthesis'.

    Gaga and her kin have given in to their dark side, to use a Star Wars metaphore, so to not feel torn between good/bad, Christ/Judas, endeavour/Mammon. They've given up: decided that "pooping dipers for life FEELS better than having to struggle to grow": rather cave in to ones greed than help the needy. Problem is that the practice of others 'mirror' theirs and makes them feel guilty. Therefore they've created the New Age, a spirituality/religion to replace all others. The New Age is better understood as a new (computer) language, that will erase our current ways of thinking (processing) and reprogram us with a new OS - operative system. In the World of OSX "David" is thus barred from feeling tortured and rising aginst "Goliath"..

    Gaga's first verse - washing feet and forgiving - is about giving humanitys both polarities equal value, manifestations of our deeds mean nothing. Thus, the old holocaust or the comming one seen in Gaga's Alejandro video is neither good/bad.

    "Bring him down" = Christ/Allah (etc) to the same level as Gaga because the NWO/New Age belive we're all gods, thus we're all crownless. She's a "holy fool" because she obiously is spiritual, but to greedy to be - by doing - good.

    Gaga can't "love a man so purely" as Christ/Allah (etc) because of their constant 'mirroring' of her bad self. In choosing to "fogive" and that "love is like a brick" Gaga's New Age belief of equal value b/w good/bad manifests it self. Anything goes.

    In her "future tense", her longed for FULLY rotten world as opposed to todays ambivalent, she won't have to "vomit her mind" as there won't be in a "cultural sense" any mirroring by the deeds of others, and thus no discusting her self.

    So Gaga means that we should give in to our worst sides and "kiss [her] like Judas if offenced" while we guiltlessly intend to do harm to each other. And if you don't like the world Gaga/illuminati/NWO/New Age is building, then prepare to "wear an earcondom" while getting mindf*cked by her message every time you hear or think of it and what's comming = YOU being cleansed and erased from earth by the police and troops of our elitist controlled governments.

    Listen to the New Age movements leaders, they call themselves our new (religious) masters. Logically, if masters exist then slaves must exist. And New Age leader Bashar said this comming HOLOCAUST will probably start in December and continue until about 2033-2050.

    FEMA has purchased 450 million hollow point bullets - with 4 times the impact damage of a regular 9mm. Also another 150 million NATO rifle rounds have been purchased.

    BUT DON'T FRET, RATHER REJOICE IN THE LOVE AND SOLIDARITY YOU FEEL FOR YOUR FELLOW HUMANS AND CHANNEL ALL THAT POSITIVE ENERGY INTO A CREATION OF A WORLD FREE FROM LADY GAGA'S. And remember that "forgiving" doesn't mean give way to more evil elitist rule in this world. Be your own master like the god you are and therefore create your heavenly kingdom here, free from slave mentality.

    WE'RE 6 BILLION, they're only a few million, WILL WIN. SO ACT!

    A few references:
    The Georgia Guide Stones:

    I, Pet Goat II:



    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  7. anonymous
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    Oct 20th 2012 !⃝

    Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think she means any negativity towards religion. I think she's just using the story from the bible as an example of how she loves someone so, but who continued to betray and abuse her. I'm sure she has something deeper then what I just said, but I believe that that's what she means. I also think that perhaps she may be talking about forgiveness and that crime and sins don't pay... and when she talks about holy fool, I think she's just trying to respect her example of using the story of the bible. And I don't think that has anything against religion cause she, herself, is christian. So stop thinking that anyone who is different is a Satan worshiper. It's really annoying....

  8. anonymous
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    Sep 21st 2012 !⃝

    Jesus Christ is Lord...it is blasphemy she could compare her past relationships to anybody but why judas.why use so much of symbolsim from the Bible.satan was an angel he was the leader of worship in heaven before he tried to over rule God..that's why satan will use music like this to get to us..that is why her music is catchy because her words have deeper meaning...only the love of Christ can make you happy ..this woman is evil ..as Jesus said forgive them for they know not what they do...

  9. anonymous
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    Sep 9th 2012 !⃝

    what does been christian mean?
    admit that jesus exist and mention what it says?
    or follow his commands?
    I believe that buddha exist...but i am not buddist!!
    would you say that lady gaga is doing what jesus commands?
    the bible talks about the end of all religion before god brings his day. it also talks about the attack to his TRUE people just before his action to save them and bring finally a world of peace.

  10. anonymous
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    Aug 31st 2012 !⃝

    Wow she's the devil herslef idk but that song
    is really wried .....i

  11. anonymous
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    Aug 18th 2012 !⃝

    Well, this has nothing really related to religion itself.
    This song is about loving a Judas kind of guy; A person with lots of flaws and with a big strong dark side.
    She says "Jesus is my virtue and Judas is demon I cling to" because Jesus is great, flawless guy, but she still loves the other one, whos's bad and evil like te Judas of the bible.

  12. anonymous
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    Jul 5th 2012 !⃝

    OR ... It could be telling the true story of what really happened. That Jesus did not die on the cross. That someone was crucified that resembled Jesus and so it appeared to be Jesus when actually it was a proxy. That proxy was Judas. This knowledge revealed would destroy Christianity as it is practiced these days. The early Christians were warned not to worship Jesus and adhere to the commandments. There is one God, and God has or needs no partners. The image of Jesus on a cross is inhabited by a demon of high rank and all homage to this object counts for the evil one, Lucifer, who mocks every Christian, as does Lady GAga. She worships Lucifer, the deciever. Think about it.. why does Jesus say "They will worship me in vain teaching the doctrine of men.." Maybe because he had knowledge of this unimaginable plan to mislead countless people down a damned path. In another parable Jesus says that on the Day of Judgement many will approach him saying "Lord Lord! Did not we heal the sick and cast out demons .. and do many wonderful works in your name?" And what does Jesus in response? "Depart from me you workers of iniquity, I never knew you." Iniquity means lawlessness.. those who do not keep the law. Refer back to the 10 commandments and focus on 1, 2 and 3. Anyway, this is a song mocking the Christians. Do a little research and maybe God will guide you to the right path. Islam.

  13. anonymous
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    Jun 30th 2012 !⃝

    I wanna kill all of those people who interpret this song so LITERALLY. Didn't you guys listen to your literature professors?! Never interpret any literary piece on a surface level. YOU JUST HEARD THE WORD JUDAS AND THIS SONG IS NOW EVIL?! Lady Gaga also mentioned on her twitter last year that Judas is a drug. Based on that perspective, this song also tells about the struggles of a drug addict. How she loves Judas so much, "I'm just a holy fool... but I'm still in love with Judas baby." She tries to get away from the addiction, "I wanna love you, but something's pulling me away from you." Tell me, how come this song became so evil?! In fact this is inspirational. It tells us the consequences of becoming addict! Open your eyes people. You prefer believing the interpretations of listeners than the author/writer/composer. Idiots.

  14. anonymous
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    May 30th 2012 !⃝

    Oh.... This song simply means that He wants to bring Jesus down.... Come on people... Jesus Loves you so much... don't exchange him for Lady gaga only.... LAdy Gaga doesn't love each and everyone of us., Only Jesus does. But she want to tear Jesus down so that She woudnt have a competitor.... People of the world, JESUS loves you uncoditionally., PLs. stop listening to lady Gaga's song., it really won't help you.... she's promoting pornography and she wants the world to be into it also..

    For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have an everlasting life!!!

    GOD LOVES YOU!!!!!

    don't follow Lady Gaga
    FOLLOW JESUS., :))

  15. anonymous
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    May 26th 2012 !⃝

    A song sung in bad taste. who is deceiving who? Artistic my foot.Its a deliberate attempt to stir up the hornet's nest.

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