Lady Gaga - Judas Meaning

Song Released: 2011
Judas Lyrics
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Juda-a-a
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Gaga
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Juda-a-a
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Gaga
When he...
When he comes to me I am ready
I'll wash his feet with my hair if he needs
Forgive him when his tongue lies through his brain
Even after three times he betrays me
(whenever the devil, or judas, comes, she gives into him willingly, and even after he betrays her, she keeps comeing back for more. keeps with her alleged "boyfriend thingy" )
I'll bring him down
Bring him down, down
A king with no crown
King with no crown
(who's the king with no crown? Jesus,duh! this is and obvious attack on Christianity.)
I'm just a holy fool
Oh baby, he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby
I'm just a holy fool
Oh baby, he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby
( holy fool can either be taken as she is a fool to be holy, a fool in the eyes of the holy, or holy people in general are fools. and even though she knows it's wrong, she still gives into judas. )
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, Im in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, Im in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Juda-a
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, GaGa
I couldn’t love a man so purely
Even prophets forgave his crooked way
I’ve learned love is like a brick
You can build a house or sink a dead body
(this one is very confusing. it says that prophetsforgive judas. i take it as that even after it's evident that he's never going to change, he keeps getting second chances. a very relivent and Christian way of thinking. )
I'll bring him down
Bring him down, down
A king with no crown
King with no crown
I'm just a holy fool
Oh baby, he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby
I'm just a holy fool
Oh baby, he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, Im in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, Im in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
In the most Biblical sense I am beyond repentance
Fame hooker, prostitute wench, vomits her mind
But in the most cultural sense I just speak in future tense
Judas kiss me if offenced or wear your ear condom next time
(this is where it gets scary. if the king with no crown wasn't enough, now she claims to "speak in future tense" as progress, a so called "new Messiah" if you will. then she seems to say that the Church and Christianity is "judas" and to either forgive her or ignore her. )
I wanna love you
But something's pulling me away from you
Jesus is my virtue
And Judas is the demon I cling to
I cling to
(this is almost self-explanitory. )
I'm just a holy fool
Oh baby, he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby
I'm just a holy fool
Oh baby, he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby
Okay, but I as a Christian am offended because Jesus is nothing near human comparison. Maybe she does have a relationship with God but even so she would still be a pagan for obvious reasons. As a person if God you are responsible for making disciples not encouraging being drawn to the negative. I hope more people realize this. I can't believe that people think its just music. Music has its own power. I'D LOVE TO HEAR A RANDOM ARTIST LIKE ADELE SING GOSPEL. I'd love to offend lady Gaga as well.
JUDAS was possessed by the devil before he betrayed JESUS CHRIST.
In addition to Luke chapter 22, John chapter 13 also talks about the possession of Judas by Satan. And Jesus, while predicting Judas' betrayal earlier, also calls him "a devil" (Jn.6:70-71; Greek: diabolos [from which we get "diabolical", etc.]). The word is, in fact, the exact verb form used for Satan entering Judas in both Luke 22:3 and John 13:27: Satan "went into" Judas. However, in the Luke passage, the possession occurs just before Judas goes to the chief priests to organize Jesus' arrest, while in the John passage, it happens just before Judas goes out to summon the soldiers to come and arrest Him. This is not a contradiction. John, aware of the first "entrance", tells us before this second entering of the devil into Judas that Satan had already "filled his heart" (Jn.13:2). As far as I am aware, the translations all miss this point, usually rendering it something like "put it into his heart", etc. But the Greek word ballo (which incidentally is cognate to diabolos) is often intransitive, especially in the perfect tense which we have here. So the idea really is more of Satan himself "having rushed [personally] into his heart already", rather than merely putting an idea in his head. The difference is not huge, but it is of some importance to our inquiry, for it shows that John also understood Judas' first stage in the betrayal to have been mediated by a Satanic possession.
We can glean a couple of important points from all this: 1) Satan did possess Judas, not once but twice; 2) this means that in between the agreement with the priests and the re-entrance of Satan during the last supper, Judas was not physically indwelt by the devil; 3) but, nonetheless, Judas did not change his mind, or warn anyone of what he had done, or take any steps to remedy his actions, even though his will was not in any way under the devil's direct control during the interim.
What does all this mean? One thing that we can state with assuredness is that this betrayal of Jesus, a betrayal that gave time for reflection in between the two crucial steps, was something that Judas was at least not averse to - it may not have been his idea, but he clearly seems to have felt it was a prudent thing to at least make some money off the death of our Lord, since He was likely to be killed anyway. Horrible as this is to contemplate, it makes a point about the issue of possession which is central to your question, namely, demon possession (not to mention possession by the devil himself) does not come out of nowhere. People are not heading one way then suddenly possessed and so they head the other. No, demon possession only occurs in cases where, at least initially, the will of the individual participates with the satanic purposes of the demon forces they essentially welcome in. This is one reason why believers in Jesus Christ are never demon– possessed. We may be observed, harassed, even influenced directly or indirectly by satanic forces abroad in the world in moments of spiritual weakness. But one cannot drink of the cup of Christ and that of the devil at the same time (1Cor.10:21). No one speaking in the Spirit can say "Jesus be cursed" (1Cor.12:3). No one who is truly committed to following Jesus Christ can turn around and give him/herself over to the power of the devil the next moment (cf. 1Cor.12:2). Judas had been an unbeliever a long time, possibly from the beginning. When Jesus calls him "a devil" (i.e., given over to the devil in his allegiance; Jn.6:70-71), that final Passover was still over a year away (cf. Jn.6:4).
The first step in any sort of demon involvement is always turning away from the truth. Clearly, desiring or allowing or even being open to the idea of having some foreign ungodly influence come into one's heart is an indication that a person is already well down the road not only of unbelief but of rejection of God's laws for life on earth that apply to unbelievers as well as to believers. And without such openness, there can be no possession. As to the form an "invitation" might take, scripture is silent, but it is fair to say from scripture and observation that any sort of dalliance with the occult or idolatry or anything that looks to the ungodly supernatural for answers, solutions, or entertainment is a very, very dangerous thing. In the ancient world, drugs played a big part of the ecstatic mystery cults, and inquiry of the gods (demons) at pagan shrines, and prayers and magic directed to or empowered by such gods and cults. Needless to say then, anyone who would avoid demon possession should avoid drugs. Ouija boards, seances, witchcraft (however "white"), and any and all contact with the occult are all things used by the devil to open a person up, to make a person more willing to accept demon influence on a more personal level than mere suggestion (i.e, through possession).
The possession of Judas is a special case. Betraying the Son of God Himself is clearly no small matter. Like Pharaoh who had to be given a special allowance of "hardness" by God in order to be able to oppose Him to the extent that he did (cf. Ex.14:4; see Exodus 14: Hardening Pharaoh's Heart), Judas probably could not have brought himself to do this egregious thing – even though he wanted to – without such a possession. It is also clear that Satan does not generally involve himself on the front lines of the earthly battle as he does here. The devil 1) did tempt Eve, 2) did tempt Christ, 3) did possess Judas, and 4) will spawn antichrist - all of these activities represent critical points in Satan's attempt to thwart the plan of God and establish his own kingdom instead, and in each of them, God has worked things in His perfect way to thwart the devil's design and bring about respectively 1) the proliferation of believers, 2) the demonstration of our Lord's perfect walk, 3) the salvation of the world, and 4) the complete annihilation of the forces of evil when our Lord returns
IF YOU CAN understand that in depth, you would not listen to any song show or movie praising judas at all and it would scare you. I pray that God will reveal the truth to everyone who reads this and you will all wake up and realize what is going on in the world, and what the illuminati, trilateral commission, the bohemian grove, freemason, satanists, occult, kabala, witchraft white or black, etc is all about the antichrist coming to power = NEW WORLD ORDER And one world goverment and currency. Any thing against the teachings of Christ is anti christ. There are many anti christ spirits on earth now all working for the event which i believe to be in our lifetime of the revealing of the "antichrist" world ruler. If any of the doubting un believing people are reading this, you will remember the moment you read this post and wish you took it seriously. My hope and prayer is that even if you do it as a joke and arent serious, ask God the Almighty to show you the truth. God Bless/
Even the devil himself belives in Almighty God, but will not worship him.
This person is 100% correct.
12345click a star to voteApr 16th, 11:16
The song is about ending religion. Specifically the song is stating that the world will be better when religion is gone, especially Christianity. She speaks of washing Judas' feet with her hair. In the Bible, a widow washed Jesus's feat with her hair, and she used her tears, as well as an alabaster jar to annoint Jesus. So Gaga is saying, given the choice, she'd rather annoint Judas. Think about Judas, he betrayed Jesus and caused him to be crucified for 50 pieces of Silver. Also she keeps saying, "I'll bring him down, I'll bring him down, a king with no crown." Jesus has many titles, "King of the Jews" was the title they placed on his cross when he was crucified. Christians call him "King of Kings, Lord of Lords". But Gaga wants to "bring down the King with no crown". It's a Euphemism. She's saying she can bring down religion, and bring down Christianity. A king with no crown means that Jesus doesn't rule over her. She's knows Biblically he ought to, but she doesn't agree with the Bible. Instead, she sees Judas as doing something that should have happened a long time "killing" Christ, he's "killed" religion. If religion dies, then Gay people won't be persecuted anymore. Plus people wouldn't need to feel bad about having affairs, murder ect. Gaga views Religion as the problem and she views Judas as the answer. Kill the Messiah, and thusly kill the belief system that "holds back" what she sees as human progress. Kill religion and Gay people can get married and people can have abortions and we as humans can establish our own set of right and wrong. The Bible mentions a time when "Every man did what was right in his own eye". Gaga wants this. In this way, she becomes a New Messiah for Gay people and the like. She grew up Roman Catholic and sees Religion, Christianity in particular as backwards and as holding up the progress of man's destiny. She even says, "Biblically speaking, I am beyond Repentance". In other words she doesn't want to be made to feel like the lifestyle she leads (read Gay people leads) should be looked down upon. "I'm a holy fool" means she tried religion. It just doesn't work for her. "In the Cultural sense, I just speak in future tense" -- in other words if you follow me, I can show you man's true destiny and it does not involve Christianity. There is a better future that doesn't involve God, Christ, the Bible or other religions.
In other words, no, she is not Christian. Gaga sold her soul years ago. And "Judas" is a double entendre. She means "Judas" as in the guy who betrayed Jesus and "Judas", the name of her own personal demon. Christ says that it's harder for a rich person to get to heaven than it is for a camel to go through the eye of a needle. Think about it...she Gaga came out of relative obscurity and within 2 years went from being a stripper to the most world wide known celebrity.
Most of you are sheep. And won't pay attention. But one of you will. I hope I reach that one.
Stop listening to her.
I say stop listening to her and buying her music as well as jay z, beyonce, kanye west (this coming from an x avid fan of all three) katy pery, the beatles, ozzy ozbourne, all the satanic heavy metal groups, and any other artist that uses symbols like the one eye, an upside down cross, a pentagram, or baphomet goat necklace. Look that one up if you are in doubt. Before you reject the TRUTH that this person before me left, ask GOD to show you the truth before you too, are decieved. The antichrist is deceiving and only people who truly ask God for the discernment and wisdom to see the truth can see it and understand it. IF you do that and seriously mean it. give it a week, and then tell me if you still feel the same way. WAKE UP!!! DONT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST. -
Its f****ng obvious! Shes in love with Judas! she WANTS to go to HELL!
Falling in love with the wrong man again, and again. so... Judas is the wrong man. So do as the Mother Monster says or be in HELL.
First: What does believing in God really mean to her? Satan believes in God, he knows what God can do and has to ask PERMISSION before he does things. So, just because she says she believes in God, it doesn't mean she's a Christian.
Second: Lady Gaga has said in many interviews, that this song is actually about her struggle between Jesus and Judas (Satan). She wants to go back to Jesus, but finds it hard to stay away from Judas (Satan).
Now, don't get me wrong, I love her, but sometimes, her songs can be very dramatic, and depending on how you take them and look at them, they can also be very dark (evil) and Spiritual. And I appreciate how she has the guts to make songs like this. But, sometimes, I wish she would just think a little more carefully about how she words her lyrics and how she creates her music videos. They can both be sometimes quite offensive for Christians like me. -
I LOVE LADY GAGA SO MUCH!<3 they even called me indian gaga when i got a hair cut sort of like hers like in the video eh eh nothing else i can say. well to get to the point this song i believe is about some one who you love and betrays you. after they betray you you forgive hem and moved on thats what this songs is trying to say and the video shows it too
for real people you need to open your eyes not just lady gaga but all singers/rappers have sold their souls to the devil and all their songs represent the devil and the illuminati all they do is brain wash people with their songs to turn people away from god, no wonder why people are so messed up and corrupt these days. people need to be more cautious about what they listen to.
Why waste the time trying to interpret junk, as if it is worthy of being interpreted. So much for her Catholic roots! Anything identifying worshipping a "deceiver" has no place in "pop" music. Parents need to know what's out there and make wise choices. Art is one thing, but junk is junk!
This song is about temptation, and how sometimes we can't help but fall to it. Hense,"I wanna love you
But something's pulling me away from you
Jesus is my virtue
And Judas is the demon I cling to
I cling to". It means that no matter how much we want to do the right thing, we always end up falling again.
This is one of many of lady gagas songs that tells a religious story.
I would just like to add that I think Lady Gaga is supposed to be Mary Magdalene, as it is in the video, and when saying:
"In the most Biblical sense I am beyond repentance
Fame hooker, prostitute wench, vomits her mind
But in the most cultural sense I just speak in future tense
Judas kiss me if offenced or wear your condom next time"
she is referring to herself, witch is Mary Magdalene. In the Bible, Mary Magdalene was a home wrecker, and therefor the words:
"In the most Biblical sense I am beyond repentance
Fame hooker, prostitute wench, vomits her mind"
In the Bible he was saved from 7 demons, witch represent the sins, by Jesus.
the enemy will try everything in his power to stop people from believing in Jesus Christ. We are in the modern times and the enemy is using the youth type of music to instill his kingdom. In the name of Jesus, this will not prosper!
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