What do you think Milk and Cookies means?

Melanie Martinez - Milk and Cookies Meaning

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Album cover for Milk and Cookies album cover

Milk and Cookies Lyrics

1, 2, melatonin is coming for you
3, 4, baby, won't you lock the door?
5, 6, I'm done with it
7, 8, it's getting late, so close your eyes, sleep the days

Hush, little baby, drink your spoiled milk
I'm fucking crazy, need my prescription...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Feb 23rd 2020 !⃝

    This is what continues after Tag You're it. Crybaby bakes a batch of cookies for her kidnapper, but poisons them. She says things like "Need to put you to bed" and 'Sing you a lull-a-bye where you die at the end" probably planning her escape. "S**t behind the curtain that I'm sick of sugar coating" she's tired of making sure her kidnapper doesn't know what she's doing.


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    May 22nd 2018 !⃝

    MY OPINION: i think that the wolf was a kidnapper and a rapist and he was forcing Melanie to make "desert" (witch is probably sex) and she puts him to bed with melationin, because melationion are sleep pills basiclly so she can escape.


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Oct 9th 2017 !⃝

    My interpretation may be a bit weird, but I'm hoping it will get people to understand the videos. Wolf=Captor(boyfriend or possibly rapist). Melanie (Crybaby) = is being demanded by wolf to make "dessert "(sex?). Milk and Cookies = "dessert " (crybaby was possibly in an abusive relationship) . Melatonin = Poison (No Duh!)

  4. anonymous
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    Oct 8th 2023 !⃝

    It’s the continuation of Tag youre it, which is about kidnapping, rape, and sex trafficking. It’s when crybaby is kidnapped, she is forced to make milk and cookies for the wolf, but poisons them so the wolf dies and crybaby escapes. The words “sh*t behind the curtain that I’m sick of sugar coating” she’s talking about what happened behind the scenes. The bad things that happened, as Tag youre it expressed a lot of ideas of sexual assault and abuse, which crybaby is trying to hide and she doesn’t want to hide it anymore because she would rather escape then die.

  5. anonymous
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    May 31st 2023 !⃝

    The song tag you’re it she you know that she has gotten kidnapped by the wolf and know she only has a certain amount of time to bake the cookies she put poison on the cookies and milk and while I was looking at the meaning thing about the songs she made and the meaning behind the song I saw a picture it was a wolf drinking the milk and cookies cry baby gave him it looked like he was posion while drinking the milk

  6. anonymous
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    Jan 28th 2023 !⃝

    This song relates to her other song “Tag you’re it” where a wolf kidnapped Crybaby. In the milk and cookies video Crybaby wakes up in a toy box and has to make cookies before a certain time I forgot or else maybe referring to the wolf having sex with her. While she makes to cookies the wolf is also spying on her. What the wolf didn’t catch while she was making cookies is that she put poison where she got from a cashier at a shop in the tag you’re it video in the batter. After she makes the cookies the wolf comes to check on Crybaby. Once he ate them he was suddenly poisoned and Crybaby escaped from him.

  7. anonymous
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    Jan 26th 2023 !⃝

    This songs meaning isn’t as obvious as some of mels other songs, but I think I have found a meaning behind it. Platonic or romantic, I think this song is about people who have done something horrible to you like backstabbing, cheating or something else and you just really want to get revenge on that person for what they did to you. Generally, I think this song is about getting revenge on the people who have wronged you, via the reason why crybaby killed her kidnapper in the official music video.

  8. anonymous
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    Jul 31st 2022 !⃝

    My interpretation is the song is about running away/ exposing your abuser. The lyrics, "S*it behind the curtain that I'm sick of sugar coating" makes me think that it's about exposing your abuser. It could also be about hiding your plan. Also, the lyrics"5, 6, I'm done with this" could be them getting the courage to get away from the abuser. Them poisoning the wolf could be them waiting until they have a moment to get away. I don't know how good this is but it'll be ok.

  9. anonymous
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    Jun 19th 2022 !⃝

    Cry Baby (protagonist) got kidnapped and got taken to Big Bad Wolf (kidnapper)'s house. He orders her to make dessert, and she gives him melatonin, so that he falls asleep and she can make an escape plan. Then she puts some kind of poison in the cookies, causing him to either pass out or drop dead. Then she leaves the house and escapes.

  10. anonymous
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    Jan 4th 2021 !⃝

    This is just one of my experiences, but when I first got into The crybaby album I Dead thought it was when crybaby was still a baby/kid and that It was her mother having postpartum depression or Just Depression, and wanting to get rid of Crybaby,did anyone else think that? and since in the last songs, she was reavealed as an achoholic, i assumed she knew about drugs too

  11. anonymous
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    Oct 13th 2020 !⃝

    When i first heard the song (not watching the double feature) i thought it might be that she is taking the perspective of an abusive mother hinting towards "Hush little baby drink your spoiled milk" And through the years there has been some stuff on the news about mothers being abusive due to a medical condition, drug or alcohol abuse or trauma. I just wanted to put what i thought because i didn't see it on here yet.

  12. anonymous
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    Jul 19th 2020 !⃝

    Crybaby gets kidnapped but the cashier hears her say Bad Wolf will kidnap her and gives crybaby a bottle of poison knowing what will happen and saves crybaby's life with the poison in Milk and Cookies. So it really is the cashier who saved Crybaby's life.

  13. anonymous
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    Jun 30th 2020 !⃝

    More literal theme: This is the sequel to the music video “Tag your it” when the big bad wolf kidnaps her. In this song she makes poisonous milk and cookies and kills him so she can escape.

  14. anonymous
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    Dec 17th 2019 !⃝

    It’s basically a continuation of Tag You’re It (you have to watch both of them to fully understand the song.) In TYI, Crybaby is given a bottle of poison by the cashier who hears her saying that the wolf is trying to kidnap her. Then the wolf kidnaps Crybaby and she wakes up and has to bake for the wolf (possibly sexual). She finds the bottle of poison on the floor and puts it in the cookie dough while the wolf is on the phone and not watching her. Then he eats them and dies, and she leaves after pouring milk on him (probably to degrade him).

  15. anonymous
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    Dec 17th 2019 !⃝

    In "Tag You're it", Crybaby got kidnapped by the wolf. He could've possibly raped her. He might even be in love with her. And one day she serves him milk and cookies that she poisoned.

    She brings the poisonous milk and cookies up to him as a gift. But it's really a trick to kill him.

    She runs away after she poisons him.

  16. anonymous
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    Dec 12th 2019 !⃝

    Crybaby might be killing a abusive boyfriend with poisoned milk and cookies. She probably killed him so she could escape him.

  17. anonymous
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    Oct 23rd 2019 !⃝

    So the song milk and cookies is basically a sequel for tag you're it where Crybaby poisons the wolf who kidnapped her in tag you're it. Crybaby poisons him by giving him milk and cookies.

  18. anonymous
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    Jun 15th 2019 !⃝

    I think that when she says "think twice before you pick up the phone" pretty much means that if your home alone dont pick up the phone

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