What do you think Mann gegen Mann means?

Rammstein - Mann gegen Mann Meaning

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Song Released: 2006

Mann gegen Mann Lyrics

Das Schicksal hat mich angelacht
und mir ein Geschenk gemacht
Warf mich auf einen warmen Stern
Der Haut so nah dem Auge fern
Ich nehm mein Schicksal in die Hand
Mein Verlangen ist bemannt

Wo das süße Wasser stirbt
weil es sich im Salz...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Jan 28th 2014 !⃝

    The song is about homophobia from a gay man's piont of view. Obviously it's anti-homophobic. Rammstein are not gay or at least not open about it if they are (being married and having children doesn't mean you're straight, sexuality is far more complex thing than just homo/hetero), but they are definitely gay-friendly. Till Lindemann, who has lots of gay friends and often hangs out in gay bars (he was seen here in Berlin many times), would never write a homophobic song. Sorry for my English, BTW, I'm German.


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Feb 17th 2008 !⃝

    I reckon its really simple.
    It's about how most straight men think about gay men
    In the lyrics "my gender calls me a traitor" meaning straight men don't like gays. They are something that is wrong.
    "Bird of feather flock together" Meaning how the gays all stay together.
    "My skin belongs to the gentlemen" Literally means your gay
    "Man against Man" - The conflict between Straight and Gay men


    #3 top rated interpretation:
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    Nov 3rd 2007 !⃝

    ...didn't it crossed anyones mind that maybe it's not about homosexuals but homophobia?

  4. anonymous
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    Jul 10th 2011 !⃝

    I especially like some of the lines:

    'I am the corner of all rooms.
    I am the shadow of all trees.'
    Means - homosexuals must hide themselves from society because they're not accepted.

    'there is no limb missing in my chain
    I am not interested in balance'
    Which means: homosexuals maybe are defection of the nature, but they have been since ages, which means that we need to accept them for who they are, and that they aren't interested in reduced birth rate, and, in fact they will always be in society in some number.

    'The sun shines in my face'
    Either that they are really happy who they are (since warm sun on face is a positive feeling), or that they have it tougher than other people. (since sun in the face blinds)

    'But my heart frozes in some times, cold tongues that beat there'
    Obviously that they feel offensed when being called names.

  5. anonymous
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    May 2nd 2010 !⃝

    Well the music video has a bunch of naked men on top of each other so my guess is that it's about being gay

  6. anonymous
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    Sep 17th 2009 !⃝

    This song is about both point of views to the entire topic of homosexuality. Not only homophobic standpoints are named ("Wo das süße Wasser stirbt/where the fresh water dies" is an lyrical circumscription for the sin of onan, wich by definition as regards gays having sex. In the catholic interpretation of the bible it comes out the same, as you can see at their point of view to condoms).

    Even the homophil poin of view is mentioned:
    "Das Schicksal hat mich angelacht - the fate smiled at me"
    "Und mir in Geschenk gemacht - and made a present to me"
    "Warf mich auf einen warmen Stern - threw me on a warm star"

    have fun listening to this song. Its one of my favorite rammstein-songs.

    regards aus Dortmund/NRW/Germany

  7. anonymous
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    Jun 3rd 2009 !⃝

    I think this song is telling the idiotic ideals of most homophobic men I think its a bad ass song and I'm a heterosexual (straight ) male in a good relationship

    This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
  8. alptraumdiekindheit
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    May 29th 2009 !⃝

    mann gegen mann isn't technically man on man or man vs man. gegen ist against. so its man against man. but, honestly, all three of these translations gather the same meaning. i think this song could be homophobia and homophillia. this song means different things to different people, also, not 12 people know this song, in fact, rammstein is popular worldwide, had you not noticed. though, truthfully, the song title doesn't interpret the song. so why argue over it?

  9. anonymous
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    Aug 27th 2008 !⃝

    This song is about how most straight men hate and persecute gay men...mann gegen mann can be translated as on like sex (girl on girl sex) and on as in against like man vs man...so that guy who everyone dissed for sayin man vs man is slightly correct

  10. t4medic
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    Jan 31st 2008 !⃝

    This song is about homophobia from a homosexuals point of view. Rammstein is not gay but, as many other songwriters, write songs from other's points of view (other Rammstein examples include "Weisses Fleisch" and "Der Meister").

  11. anonymous
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    Apr 30th 2007 !⃝

    First off, it's not man vs man, it's man on man. This song talks about gay guys (man on man), and how they are hated by a lot of straight men (man on-against-man)

  12. anonymous
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    Feb 15th 2007 !⃝

    Das Schicksal hat mich angelacht - the fate smiled at me.
    Und mir in Geschenk gemacht - and made a present to me
    Warf mich auf einen warmen Stern - threw me on a warm star
    Der Haut so nah dem Auge fern - nearby the skin, far away from the eye
    Ich nehm mein Schicksal in die Hand - I'll decide my fate , myself
    Mein Verlangen ist bemannt - my desire is manned (bemannt means manned , but it's just for not revealing the songs meaning at the beginning, so you could transalate it with "male")

    Wo das süße Wasser stirbt - where the fresh water dies
    Weil es sich I'm Salz verdirbt - because it ruins itself in salt
    Trag ich den kleinen Prinz I'm Sinn - I have the small prince in mind
    Ein König ohne Königin - a king without queen
    Wenn sich an mir ein Weib verirrt - if a woman gets lost at me
    Dann ist die helle Welt verwirrt - then the whole world is confused
    Mann gegen Mann - man vs. man
    Meine Haut gehört den Herren - my skin belongs to the lords
    Mann gegen Mann - man vs. man
    Gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern - Birds of a feather flock together.
    Mann gegen Mann - man vs. man
    Ich bin der Diener zweier Herren - I am the servant of two lords.
    Mann gegen Mann - man vs. man
    Gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern - Birds of a feather flock together.

    Ich bin die Ecke aller Räume - I am the corner of all rooms
    Ich bin der Schatten aller Bäume - I amm the shadow of all trees
    In meiner Kette fehlt kein Glied - there is no limb missing in my chain.
    Wenn die Lust von hinten zieht - if the delight tears from behind.
    Mein Geschlecht schimpft mich Verräter - my family calls me traitor
    Ich bin der Alptraum aller Väter - I am the nightmare of all fathers.

    Mann gegen Mann - man vs man
    Meine Haut gehört den Herren - my skin belongs to the lords
    Mann gegen Mann - man vs man
    Gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern - Birds of a feather flock together.

    Mann gegen Mann - Man vs Man
    Doch friert mein Herz an manchen Tagen - but my heart feels cold at some days.
    Mann gegen Mann - man vs man
    Kalte Zungen die da schlagen(twice)- cold tongues who are beating ("die zunge schlägt" would be , the tounge is beating , but blaspheming is meant)
    Schwule - Gays

    Mich interessiert kein Gleichgewicht - I am not interested in balance
    Mir scheint die Sonne ins Gesicht - The sun shines in my face
    Doch friert mein Herz an manchen Tagen - but my heart feels cold on some days
    Kalte Zungen die da schlagen - cold tongues which are blaspheming

    Schwule - Gays
    Mann gegen Mann gegen Mann - man vs man vs man (he pronounces the "gegen" like the englisch word gay.)


    I don't think the singer really sings about his gay feelings.
    (He was married and has a daughter) But I think a band like Rammstein needs some scandal songs to stay famous.
    Means: You can't take the song too serious.

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