Lady Gaga - Born This Way Meaning
Covered By: Glee Cast
Born This Way Lyrics
Just put your paws up
'Cause you were born this way, baby
My mama told me when I was young
We're all born superstars
She rolled my hair, put my lipstick on
In the glass of her...
dont you people get it?
"it doesnt matter if you love him, or CAPITAL H-I-M" God = him, satan = H-I-M
if you dont believe me, then put satan into this line: "a different lover is not a sin, believe CAPITAL H-I-M"
of course a diff lover is not a sin for the devil, he's all about sin, put 2 and 2 together idiots -
According to what I think The song is what Lady Gaga said that she was bullied extremly harshly in her high school.She said that she was so very frightened that used to wore I mask in school.She even said that she still wears a mask but not in embaressment or humiliation but in pride.
love and accept who u r no matter what u believe in ...him spelled either way is your interpretation your beliefs no matter what your belief follows it is who you are you are born this way ....even the lyrics can be interpreted differently and will be there is no right or wrong she is saying be yourself no matter what your disability we all are created differently and she is even acknowledging that she is too different if you read the lyrics
God makes no mistakes and he has a special plan for everyone. But just because you were born a certain way doesn't mean that you are still on the right track. Everyone is born with a certain set of blessings AND henderances that we have to learn to be thankful for and live through/learn from/grow from, respectively. Christians should be loving toward everyone (not just themselves and their friends- "just love yourself and you'll be set"- sorta selfish) whether they are straight or gay, but not peoples sin, and acting on homosexual feelings is a sin. I have struggled with feelings toward the same sex since I was 9, but I have complete peace knowing that I have been obedient to the life Christ called me to. It is a temptation, not who I am. What I am is a Christian and I am very happy with the life that Christ has blessed me with.
It is good because you should be happy with yourself the only thing thats a bit werid is: "just put your paws up to him"
She does refer to herself as "Mother Monster" as do her fans. Also, in the beginning, she is giving birth to something. I can't really tell. And the fact that Gaga seems very accepting and loving makes me think very much of how a parent loves their child. Maybe she is suggesting that parents should love their children like this, no matter what sexual orientation, religion, etc. As for the him or HIM, I believe that she emphasizes that because for many parents it can be the most difficult to accept. And, being a Christian, I do believe that acting upon your homosexuality is a sin, as it is stated in the bible. Of course I do NOT judge at all. I have several gay friends and my favorite teacher is gay. Okay, they haven't come out yet, but we all know XP
I think she is trying to state that no matter what color, age, gender or sexuality you are you should love yourself the way you are and that god loves you no matter what, cause he made us all the way we are right now. I really like this song because I am Bi and I used to hide myself in regret and my feelings but this song made me realize I am no different than anyone else here and I started opening up to my friends and whatnot. This is the best song ever.
I think gaga is saying that we should all accept ourselves for who we are. We are all beautiful in our own way!!
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I am going to put out a lot here and I hope you will just think it over, and check it all out, rather than just react.I think there is several meaning being put out in her music.Loving and accepting people of course are in agreement to treat others with respect and tolerance for our differences...BUT,it is not hard to see the evil entendres that come into play in her music, shows and videos, through costuming and intentions and lyrics. She talks about paws all the time and holds her hands in a claw like pose, which are animal hands, and listen to and watch the references.She used blood reference, and in this uses birthing freakish combinations. It is easy to love the tune and some of the lyrics in her songs...just don;t overlook what else is being slipped by you that you are not noticing. That is a clever way to gain fans, when they are taking what they like and not paying attention to the rest. I see people saying when she says HIM she is referring to God, but her videos and the claims that she does not believe in God, does not support that, rather the visuals and references indicate the opposite.
My advice, don't go blindly into putting your full backing into anyone, if you do not really know what they are fully about.This is how someone can be deceptive and still have the masses behind them.
I think she is very artistic, creative and I enjoy her music as well, but with some serious questioning and I do not give myself fully to it because there IS something very dark that is being passed along with it,which I think is meant to make you comfortable with and accepting of...kind of like the old tune that says" Satan is a liar and a conjurer too and if you don't watch out, he'll conjur you.That comes to mind when I see her as well .That is what makes her a conundrum.If you watch, listen and read about people who say that aliens have been taking our DNA either through impregnating women with their own and taking the babies from them, and the people that say she is illuminati, that there is a lizard race ...kind of like what Hollywood may be doing in their movies and series ,exposes us to in shows like V...ARE WE being made desensatized for what is to come , so we will accept it ???People just have to not give up their rational thought and go blindly into the unknown. KNOW your beliefs and values and be prepared to defend them.....All I am saying is think deeply and don't just give yourself over blindly to anyone and jump to defend or onto a band wagon, because you like some of what they do. You do not think evil comes running at you to win you over do deceives you and grooms you to win you over. -
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this song is about people who like different things to not be afraid of showing their personality. It's telling them that nobody should stop them from being who they are and being true to themselves.
Forget about the video, this song is about loving yourself for who you are no matter "black white or beige chola or orient made". She's also fighting back about rumours about her being a man and being bi by saying she doesn't care what the world thinks of her because this is who she is and how she's meant to fulfill her destiny.
It means to accept yourself and don't deny who you are
this song is so demonic it is not alright to be gay, bisexual, lesbian or even transexual. this is not the way GOD made you to be, it was ur chose and you need to pray and ask god to show u the right way.
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