Lady Gaga - Judas Meaning

Song Released: 2011
Judas Lyrics
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Juda-a-a
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Gaga
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Juda-a-a
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Gaga
When he...
It's funny how you guys can get upset when we read "too much" into these types of media and yet it's okay for you guys to read too much into ours... yeah, do you see a pattern of hypocrisy here? So get over yourself, already.
I think that the basically, the song is about loving someone you shouldn't love. Gaga just chose a not-so-good metaphor, I doubt that it has anything against Christianity, and I think Gaga is a Christian herself.
I saw this interpretation about how Gaga wants to end religion, and guess what? Whoever wrote that is either out of their minds or heard it from some super religious person, because it might sound offensive at first, but if you listen to it more than once, you'll get that it's about the freedom to love and loving someone that's the antagonist. -
i agree. if ur a christians, you wouldnt want to disobey your own religion right? just like if your a good mother, you wouldnt want to teach your kids those bad stuffs right? think again lil monsters.
Gaga is trying to hide from the masses, the deeper meaning of this song. I wont get too much into this but just chew on this for a sec.Gaga has said in an interview, that the song is about a past relationship, but later on said at a concert it is about learning to forgive yourself and others. So which one should we belive?Those are two completely different statements.Quite frankly, i believe there is a far more subliminal and horrific message, that i'm afraid she is trying to convey..
Oh gosh, things always get testy when you mess around with religion :( Personally, when i heard this song, the very first thing i thought of was a metaphor for a bad relationship. A poor metaphor at that, but just a metaphor. Lady Gaga really shouldn't use the whole judas thing because, if taken literally, it could offend a lot of people, which it has. But please with the whole OMG SHE'S THE ANTI CHRIST!!!! or YES FINALLY, DIE RELIGION. I mean its just a song!
i went thru a break up recently and i think the whole satanic thing sellin soul whatever bull plop,. i really think the song is about falling fer the wrong type of guy knowingly. being treated cruely and being forgiving,. basically shes defining a time when she was sum guys doormat,. she knows "jesus" is moral and right but she is tempted by a guy who might be deemed sinful - " judas" ,. shes in love with judas and she knows its not right. theres alot of interpretation to be made from this, i could go on lol,. but stop with gaga worsipping demons its stupid ,. its 2011 not 1500 :P and really why does it matter,. gaga is still awesome even if she does lolz. just means she will keep making awesome pop music i guess lol jk
To the person that are saying the people who are defending GaGa are naïve..The only naïve person here is YOU.. If you're really a christian you wouldn't judge people. You are in NO position to judge ANYONE. You're not God! Think back! Who is Judas? He wasn't a satanist!! He just made a bad choice! But if he DIDN'T make that choice, Jesus propably wouldn't have died for our sins!! So we should all be glad Judas betrayed Jesus! It was destiny. It had to happen.. Lady GaGa said herself she is comparing 2 exes with Jesus and Judas. Judas is the bad-ish guy and Jesus the good guy.. And girls always fall for the bad guy! The song is also about forgiveness.. Lady Gaga said herself she's a christian.. I think the way she made a success of her career is proof enough she has God in it! So please.. Don't judge people that you don't even know. The lyrics is NOT offensive. My whole family are christians. I wouldn't have listened to her music if it was satanic. If she wanted to praise Satan, she could do it openly! Like Deicide! They do it openly! And people still listen to them.. They have tours and everything. They still make a hell of a lot cash even though they praise Satan directly in their songs! So I say: PawsUp for GaGa ! She's gonna be around a long time. Get used to it!!
Do not listen to lady gaga she is horrible to say these things about Jesus and lead people in the wrong direction. This is disgusting blasphemy . The only way to heaven
Is through the son Jesus Christ! Repent -
The song is meant to attract attention by being offensive. Gaga is a great song writer, but she does have a way of offending people to get attention.
Ultimately it's a cowardly thing to do.
She wouldn't dare offend somebody that might fight back.
Well, it surprises me how people can be so ignorant and vain to figure what a song says.
I mean, how stupid do you have to be to belive what the Artist says her song is about? it is like Believing US president speech, is just to be dumb, now i see why we are surrounded by non thinking people.
Lady Gaga is clearly attempting to send a message against Christianism, this is obvious, even a blind man could see this. Im not sure if it was her manager or the producer of the video "judas" who said, thay they "worked hard to avoid wounding peoples faith and belives" well this is clearly the MOST STUPID argument ive heard, cuz if you see the video it is the most offensive music video ive seen in the last 5 years.
I find so lame the people that think we are over reacting, Its clearly offensive, i think you people could stand lady gaga to say ur moms are biatches and u would buy it that she is speaking about her old relationship, cmon you need to GROW UP and start using a little of your brain to understand and see clear.
Its a shame to see this kind of talented artists just singing pure shit of their mouths, but its is worst to see so much stupid people who are blinded by their naivety.
Like the Bible says "he who has ears let him hear"
There is not a worst blind, that the one who doesnt want to see.
Religious discussions never end...why not just stop now, cause both parties here (pro and con's) are not doing their case any justice by posting here. Why not just crawl back in your comfort zones and be?
Wow. People can be so stupid I swear. Lady Gaga is not the Anti Christ... I don't like religion and if people want to call me a devil worshiper for it then fine I really don't care. I believe in God, not religion. Why should my faith in Him be controlled by a set of rules. I'm sorry if I offend people by saying this, but I think a lot of religions are stupid. The whole thing about gay marraiges being bad is just wrong. God loves all his children right? So why would He discriminate against so many of them? It doesn't make any sense. And back to the main point, Gaga is not singing about getting rid of religion and God and all that, she is singing about her past relationships and using the story of Judas as a metaphor. People need to stop being so touchy. If you don't like it or are offended by it, there is a very simple solution. DON'T LISTEN TO IT. It's as simple as that, it really is. I know everyone is entitled to their opinions but that does not mean you should go around calling someone the Anti Christ and a devil worshiper just because their music made you mad...
For all those that think that this is a harmless song or music video: Remember that dripping water can wear through rocks.....In the same way what we hear and see can shape our lives. Although we are unaware, we subconsciously absorb these sounds and images.
Plus anybody can say they are a christian BUT a true christian is one who shows it by his or her actions. -
Plain and simple - I weep for mankind and pray for you all. Pray that God will be merciful unto you on Judgment Day. Read the Bible more, esp the last chapter Revelations. Your answers are in there and not worldly aspects. Before its too late. God Bless and have mercy on us all.
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