Simple Plan - Perfect Meaning

Perfect Lyrics
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according to plan?
And do you think I'm wasting my time doing things I wanna do?
But it hurts when you disapprove all along
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you...
#1 top rated interpretation:Most of you have have heard this hit by Simple Plan. And the obvious meaning is said in this line 'I'm sorry I can't be perfect'.
This song was written by Pierre and Chuck when their parents told them to get real jobs and something that will support them, but instead they told their parents they wanted to do this forever. They wanted to do this forever... which is where the line 'Do you think I'm wasting my time, doing things I wanna do? Well it hurts when you disagree all along'
Recently someone asked me what does 'it' stand for in the line 'cuz we lost it all' ? Well it means just that. They lost everything that they had. Their love, trust, friendship etc.
But this song goes furthur then just that. It can apply to anyone and everything that's happening to them. Because I am sure that at least one someone was felt that:
No matter how hard they try they can't make their parents proud
or they feel they are never gonna be good enough
Or that they didn't grow up according to parents plans
Or That its never gonna be alright again
Or that they just want or un away...
Well its quite a moving song with an excellent film clip. -
#2 top rated interpretation:My sister was pushed over the edge trying to be perfect for our father. As a result she's spent several years in a psych unit, trying to become 'normal' again. He abused my mother all their married life, and broke my trust to all men forever. I think of this song as mostly my sisters, because it fits her perfectly. She loved him so much and tried so hard but she can't be perfect, no one can. I remember hiding her shoes and sitting outside her bedroom door all night so she wouldn't run away, I realize now that while I was doing that she was slicing her wrists and concocting plans for her suicide attempts. I hate those memories and I hate my father. So yeah, that's what the song means to me.
#3 top rated interpretation:I feel this song says a lot more than just that their parents didn't like them. Their parents don't appreciate them for who they are, I think this song is mainly to his dad, because it says so right in the first line, "hey, dad, look at me, think back and talk to me." this is one of my fav. Songs because I can relate to it myself. Plus in the music vid. They show the band members in the rooms with the kids, and that one kid that writes, "i'm sorry I can't be perfect" on the wall behind his pictures. Those kids in the music vid. That yell at their parents, or that one girl who ran away. I can relate to that. And so can a lot of you out there. This is one of the best songs of simple plan, so many others can feel the same way about it too. Well, that's what I feel!
This song is quite religious to me,we all committed bad thing and even though we can be perfect but we have to try our levels best to be the Goof child to our Creator
This is a beautiful song that everybody can relate to deeply everyone in their life feels like there not good enough to anybody at a point in there life and feels like any thing they do is not good enough for there parents in life you follow your dreams whether or not your parents support you I know what it's like to not feel good enough to my parents and my parents not supporting me it's hard cause it's like I'm following my heart doing what's making me happy so why isn't it good enough but I know I'm not perfect and never will be thank you simple plan your song has helped me and always has always will love you xoxo
'I'm sorry I can't be perfect'.
I think this song means that no one can be perfect and we can't change our mistakes like in the lyrics "I'm sorry I can't be Perfect. Now it's just too late, and we can't go back I'm sorry I can't be perfect,"
When I heard of Simple Plan, they were the first group that gave me strenght -
This song is about not being good enough, just like he says (sings) "I'm sorry I can't be perfect."
Many kids relate to this song because they don't feel like they're good enough for someone or to be someone or even to do something. But that's a lie. Everyone's perfect in their own way. -
I first heard this song when I was still 5, I ask my dad why the artist is saying "sorry" , my dad didn't answer my question but instead he says these words: "You don't have to ask that to me, when you grow you'll understand, but I promise you I will never ever make you happen to relate on this song"
I'm 13 now and my dad was right I already understand this song..... and my dad is a great dad!!!, he never let me feel like i'm not perfect..I'm proud that I don't cut, or take drugs... I Love my dad!!!! and my mom! -
This reflects on me - THE WAY I LIVE. :( it kinda sucks that after all your burden, they are not yet satisfied with all the sacrifices you've been through. Yes, they are my parents but how could possibly be on earth for them to accept of WHO AM I. :(
My interpretation of this song may or may not be like everyone elses, but i can relate to this in a way. My stepdad is always telling me he better see straight A's on my report card and ever since the 3rd grade i havent got straight A's. It makes me feel like I'll never be good enough for him, as if no matter what i do he always finds away to put me down about it even if i got a B. I'm a freshman this year and it's hard for me I went from pre algebra to algebra 1 honors. It's hard for me and for a while i was getting D's and F's on my tests and he evntually told me he didn't want to see that anymore. I told him it wasn't like i was trying to get them I just felt like i wasn't good enough for him like everything I did was a failure and it hurt me to know i would never make him proud. I just wish there was a way i could make him proud. Sometimes I feel like what I want to do when I get older is going to get dissaproved by him because he's always like good we alway's need an acountant in the family. I don't wanna let him down more than I already have, but I don't wanna be an acountant I wanna be a photographer. That's why I love this song, because it tells me that you don't have to be perfect you have to be you. He has to realize that your not a little kid anymore you;ve grown up and you have your own dreams. I mean you're always going to want that conection between you and your dad that's a given because even the smartest people know they couldn't of gotten where they are now without their parents pushing them to be the best they can be, but you got to realize something to. You've got to realize that what they're doing is what they think is best for you they're just trying to show you they care even if it's in the most annoying way. So never lose that connection with your parents, because you're going to get older and you're going to move out (if you haven't already) and you're going to realize that you wouldn't be where you are in life without them. They helped in the best way they could, they raised you to be the best you that you can be. They did support you but they didn't show it because they didn't want you growing up their support and not being able to make it on your own because you still need it. They just wnat you to learn how to support yourself before they show you their support in you. Your parents love and support you but they also want you to learn how to support yourself aswell. Even if they don't tell you as often as the should they do because they love you with all their hearts and probably couldn't be any prouder in you because of the way you showed them you could support yourself when it didn;t seem like they did. That's what make them proud of you. That's what this song taught me it might not of said it in the lyrics, but it gave me the message in my heart form listening to this song. I used to think I had to be perfect but I realized being perfect it's SO over rated. I just wanna prove to my parents that I'm gonna grow up and the things I wanna do even if they don't support it in the first place when they see me grow up and prove them wrong that I can be a photographer, I know that they'll be proud of me then because I didn't let anyone who said i couldn't do it or said i wasn't good enough get in my way. I know that I can do it and that I am good enough and not only is that all that matters but I believe in myself and that's all my parents could ask for so in a way I guess i just found out how to make my parents proud. That's what this song means to me and I don't want it to mean anything else because it's an inspirational song, and I've been inspired to show that as long as you believe that your good enough and that you can do something then that's all you need. That's a little thing i like to call willpower I don't need my parents to be proud of me, mainly because I'm proud of myself. <3
Damn all those parents and their high hopes for their children. They should wish that their kids reach mediocrity, by avoiding achievement and fulfilment in their lives. If parents really understood and wanted to be appreciated their children, they would leave them to explore their couches and reality television until at least 22. Wake up parents... it's time to suppress what you think you know and let your children run their lives without interference, guidance, or protection.
this is my theme song for my parents whom did they not proud at me when i doing what i want in my life you know im just on a band i singing wholeheartedly for make them proud but in our performance they not come... they just watching their fave show and did not support me on that time ......and last time i am listening rock song it is so loud i screaming loudly then...they hear it and my mom says "turn off that sound it makes me feel weak!!!you are not like a rocker I will not raised you like an addict on the street that you see by your eyes......because i like you to grow a beautiful life like just stop singing in the band and do what i say to you!!!!!!"you know when i hear it i hurt so when the time that i hear these i sing these to my dad and on my mom... you know i just wanna follow my dreams so i say to them "i just wanna make you proud you know i just wanna follow my dreams dont pretend that i will listening to you because i dont wanna break this dad,mom SORRY I CAN'T BE PERFECT!!!!'' and then i run and lock myself in my own room!!!
my most favorite lines is :
"Hey dad look at me think back and talk to me did i grow up according to plan...and do you think im wasting my time doing things i wanna do but it hurts when you dissaprove all along....." i love simple plan they guide my life!!!!i love SIMPLE PLAN!!! -
this is my theme song why?
my mother and my dad dont like me as a rocker someday they want me perfect like on the other people who was have a good job but when they saying anything on my life i just saying "sorry i can't be perfect" you know every night i am crying but they dont understand i just wanna follow my know im on the band and i just singing...but they dont care because it is not helping on our life im just wasting my time on it....but im not listening to them id still follow my dreams....wherever where i am....
*sorry on thw wrong english* -
This interpretation has been marked as poor. view anyway
you are interpreting the lyrics very literal.
by the way simple plan took t's name from God's great plan, isn't it too obvious they are anti-christian community?...
Did I grow up according to plan?
(jeremiah 29:11)
And do you think I'm wasting my time
Doing things I want to do?
(there's someone in the christian ministry told him to stop the band, because he is just wasting his time, being into more worldy things.)
But it hurts when you disapproved all along
(God always dissaprove all WORLDLY things see bible 1 John 3:17)
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
---(the composer forgot about Matthew 6:33 and Matthew 7:7)
I'm never gonna be good enough for
You can't pretend that I'm alright
---(Of course God is against worldly things when do you think God will be PRO-WORLDLY, God wants us to worship only him and ONLY SEEK him nothing more, nothing less.)
And you can't change me
(the composers says God can't change him, but God says in the bible that If you want to experience new life you should deny yourself.)
Cause we lost it all
Nothin' lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
--(He is loosing God and beginning to give up)
Now it's just too late
And we can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
--(now that He has decide to be a part of the 666 or the Illuminati or the brotherhood masonry, He should deny himself for the one UNDER...)
...I don't wanna say anything else, It should be good enough for all of us to understand these Lyrics...just think MORE DEEPLY...don't be on the surface of your're making yourself idiots of this world, you are all My brothers and Sisters...please don't walk away and stay with Our "DAD"...
--by the I'm not going to hide who I am...
And am not afraid to hear any cases to be filed on me...Gianne Lee here -
I change the "Dad"s to "Mom"..
My dad died when I was 2, but it's my mom who I can relate this song to. She used to dedicate this song to my little brother, and my ex-step father but honestly.. It's for her.
She's religious; I'm athiest. We can't get along. She manages to make me feel like shit, and make me want to die within 5 minutes. She grabs me by the hair calls me names such as a Bitch, Whore.. Tells me I'm giong to amount to nothing.. Or become a single teen-aged welfare mom no one wants. She never even apoligizes, and she can NEVER NEVER EVER admit she's wrong. Everything I do, It's always wrong. Everytime I do something wrong, it's not because it harms me or is bad for me, It's because It makes her look bad. One day, after I want nothing to do with her, maybe she'll realise all this. I was molested, abused, lied to, walked out on, lefty broken..
I smoke, do drugs,steal, cut, drink a lot, and have tried to kill myself. I've been through hell and back, and she wil never admit that maybe she might have been the cause for one of those jionts, pills, cuts or bottles..
"Nothing's gonna change the things that you said
Nothing's gonna make this right again
Please don't turn your back
I can't believe it's hard
Just to talk to you
But you don't understand
'Cause we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect"
Mom, I'm sorry I can't be perfect..... -
Most of you have have heard this hit by Simple Plan. And the obvious meaning is said in this line 'I'm sorry I can't be perfect'.
This song was written by Pierre and Chuck when their parents told them to get real jobs and something that will support them, but instead they told their parents they wanted to do this forever. They wanted to do this forever... which is where the line 'Do you think I'm wasting my time, doing things I wanna do? Well it hurts when you disagree all along'
Recently someone asked me what does 'it' stand for in the line 'cuz we lost it all' ? Well it means just that. They lost everything that they had. Their love, trust, friendship etc.
But this song goes furthur then just that. It can apply to anyone and everything that's happening to them. Because I am sure that at least one someone was felt that:
No matter how hard they try they can't make their parents proud
or they feel they are never gonna be good enough
Or that they didn't grow up according to parents plans
Or That its never gonna be alright again
Or that they just want or un away...
Well its quite a moving song with an excellent film clip.
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