What do you think I Miss You means?

Blink-182 - I Miss You Meaning

Album cover for I Miss You album cover

Song Released: 2004

Covered By: 5 Seconds of Summer

I Miss You Lyrics

(I miss you, miss you)

Hello there, the angel from my nightmare,
The shadow in the background of the morgue,
The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley
We can live like Jack and Sally if you want
Where you can always find me...

  1. anonymous
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    Jan 18th 2011 !⃝

    Personally, i believe this song is about someone whose partner/lover left them but the partner still wanted to be friends.. yet the person is so hurt by their partner/lover leaving them, they say that they don't want anything to do with them anymore, they just want them gone from their life. The person who is hurt by their partner/lover is trying to deal with their loss and appears to be over the whole breakup but deep down inside they miss their partner/lover and wishes they would just come back. I believe the voice of the singer is that of the perspective of the person who got hurt and refused the friendship and is now just trying to move on but is struggling.

    I think the first verse speaks of the ideal relationship (with reference to 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'). I feel as though its not literal but instead more metaphorical. This verse says how the partner/lover would be "the angel from my nightmare" meaning that they'd always be there as a sign of hope, love and joy within the most dark of situations. In this perfect relationship, one member is saying they'll never stray as depicted by the line "..you can always find me" and how in this perfect relationship they can create their own little world or utopia where they could celebrate Halloween on Christmas if they wanted; ie. they play by their rules. In this ideal relationship, they'd be so unbelievably happy and intertwined within one another that they could never fathom leaving one another; they'd wish to be together forever. This is expresses by the line "We'll wish this never ends".

    The line "i miss you" repeated 4 times acts like snap back to reality from this fantasy the person is dreaming of.

    The second verse feels like its in the present time at a moment of realisation and desperation. The strained sentence "Where are you and I'm so sorry" sung from the perspective of the person that got hurt is like a desperate call for their partner/lover.. they're sorry for wanting nothing to do with them and they just want their lover/partner back. The person talks about how they can barely function as a human being without their parnter/lover by their side and how now they dont have their angel (from the first verse) that would bring hope,love and joy when "this sick strange darkness,
    comes creeping on so haunting every time". The next line about staring and counting the webs of the spiders that catch things and eat their insides is a metaphor for how the person feels.. they feel as though they became attached to their partner/lover and fell for all their tricks; ie. like insects get attached to a spiders web. The person feels as though they cant escape these strong feelings for their partner/lover as much as they try when all their partner did was lure them in and then emotionally destroy them by leaving them. This metaphor symbolises the feeling of betrayal and broken trust as well as the inability for the person to just forget their feelings for their partner/lover despite all the hurt they've caused them. This is why the singer says its "like indecision to call you, and hear your voice of treason" ..the treason being the betrayal of trust but also how the person just wishes their partner/lover would come back and "stop this pain tonight."

    I see the chorus as though the person is speaking to the partner/lover trying to show that they are ok without them and telling their partner/lover how they've pratically forgotten about them already. The line "Don't waste your time on me, you're already a voice inside my head" seems as though the person who was hurt by their partner/lover's decision to leave them wants to appear if theyre getting over it really quickly and its almost as if theyre trying to get back at their partner saying 'yes i can get over you that quickly, its like you never really meant anything to me anyway. i can throw you away as easily as you threw me away.' but then the line "i miss you" acts like a contradiction to the initial statement and undermines the entire thing as if to say 'yes i appear strong and appear to have forgotten you and gotten over you like you did so easily with me, but honestly.. deep down inside, i just wish you would come back and get rid of my pain because i cant help it that i still love you.' The repetition of the chorus is almost like the person is trying to not only convince they're ex partner/lover that they're ok but also themselves. Almost as if they tell themselves enough that they've gotten over their partner/lover then they'll start to believe it.

    And that's my interpretation. I think its an amazing song however you interpret it though.

  2. anonymous
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    Nov 3rd 2010 !⃝

    In case anyone is wondering what it was about, well me and her were happily together... It felt so real and it was the first time in such a long time i was so happy.. but then her parents came into the picture, they never said anything to me in the dream but they took her away when we were by the pool talking, she seemed so sad as was i. i couldn't do anything to help her or stop them, next thin i know i'm looking for her, texting and nothing what felt like a lifetime in my dream.. Suddenly i get a call and i answer, it's her... I'm so happy and so glad she's there on the phone... i ask her why she left and why it happened, then she tells me she's pregnant. So i begin to think maybe that's why she left, her parents didn't want me around? I was speechless in my dream, i say then we'll never be together now as if i'm asking a question, and she hangs up, most liekly because she's sad but i didn't have hope, that happened in RL sometimes, when i was stubborn, but she always answered again... but in my dream she hangs up, i call her and no answer, i forget her number and i wake up sweating and near tears.. It felt so real, i miss her

  3. anonymous
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    Nov 3rd 2010 !⃝

    Hey guys, this is my interpretation.. I think it's about a female girl, when he says, "hello there, the angel from my nightmares," i can really relate to that... because i had a dream about my ex Gf a few days ago, at first it was good but in the end it sucked.. I woke up scared and frightened because it felt as if i lost her all over again, i was ready to call her.. So she was the angel of my nightmare. The rest is easily interpreted differently by experiences, i never really understood what he meant about angel from my nightmare but then i understood, it is most def about a girl

  4. anonymous
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    Mar 25th 2010 !⃝

    I think this is about somebody who has broken up with their bfgf and keeps saying to them to just forget him/her but their mind is like screaming at them 'i want you back so much'

    This is kinda backed up by the 2nd verse where their saying where r u, I can't exist without you now, even though the person was destroying them while they going out 'the webs from all the spiders catching things and eating their insides'.
    just my opinion

  5. anonymous
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    Feb 23rd 2010 !⃝

    i think the 1st verse says that when shes around she makes everything seem better 'angel from my nightmare'. When he says 'we can live lke jack and sally if we want' This means he's willing to do anything she wants, last line 'we'll wish this never ends' is him reminiscing on what they used to say. 2nd verse is literally using meataphors and hidden messages 'the webs from all the spiders catching things and eating there insides' means he's feeling empty and alone. Which is making him decide whether to call her and ask to stop this pain tonight. Chorus means if we can't be together as a couple leave me alone cause i love you and will always be in my mind 'don't waste your time on me, your already, the voice inside my head'

  6. anonymous
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    Jan 9th 2010 !⃝

    It's about a girlfriend breaking up with his boyfriend and he's saying I don't wanna be your friend "don't waste your time on me" but saying I only want to be you boyfriend please come back "I miss you"

  7. anonymous
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    Jan 8th 2010 !⃝

    Hello there the angel from my nightmare-
    the love who's destroyed them

    The shadow in background of the morgue-
    someone who isn't completely dead to them

    The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley-
    I never meant to fall in love or hurt

    We can live like Jack and Sally if we want-
    half broken and dead but together

    Where you can always find me-
    you can always have me

    And we'll have Halloween on Christmas-
    I'll do whatever it takes

    And in the night we'll wish this never ends
    We'll wish this never end-
    and never let go

    Where are you and I'm so sorry-
    please take me back

    I cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight-
    i need you badly

    I need somebody and always-
    i don't want to be alone

    This sick strange darkness comes creeping on so haunting every time-
    the pain of being without you makes me hallow

    And as I stared I counted the webs from all the spiders
    catching things and eating their insides-
    you caught me and have me trapped, then you destoryed me

    Like indecision to call you-
    but I still want you back but can't man up to it

    And hear your voice of treason-
    the sound of betrayal

    Will you come home and stop this pain tonight
    stop this pain tonight-
    please come back, and fix the pain

    Don't waste your time on me your already the voice inside my head(6x)-
    your a beautiful memory and all I think about

  8. The_Secret_Composer
    click a star to vote
    Oct 30th 2009 !⃝

    My thoughts on this are i think really different to others, when the first singer sings his verse he's saying "the angel of my nightmare" he's saying he feels like his life is a nightmare and then he sees the person the songs about. And he's telling her that he loves her and that they can be together "we can live like Jack and sally if you want", and hope it stays that way.
    When the second voice comes on its like the girls done something and they've had a fight "Where are you? And I'm so sorry" so he feels at blame too. and he can't fall asleep but the nightmares still there. Then he can't decide to call her or not after she's betrayed him "like indecision to call you, and hear your voice of treason". But she's the only thing that can stop his pain.
    Then he's saying hes given up so she shouldn't waste her time on him anymore but at the same time he's secretly missing her. I love this song.

  9. anonymous
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    Oct 22nd 2009 !⃝

    Listening to this song makes me think that maybe a relationship died. It seems like the speaker has mixed feelings toward this person but in the end, he really wants her to come back. "Don't waste your time on me, you're already the voice inside my head" sounds to me like he's saying that she doesn't have to try to get to him anymore because she's all he ever thinks about. I think maybe he has mixed feelings toward her because he says "Like indecision to call you and hear your voice of treason." That sounds like maybe she cheated on him, they broke up, and now he wants her back.

  10. Rooster413
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    Oct 11th 2009 !⃝

    This song is about someone spilling their feelings out. They are home at night and they cant stop thinking about that one person. They are worried about where they are and want them to come home and just be with them. The person might have been hiding their feelings at first but now, late at night they cant anymore and it all comes out.

  11. bluboy973
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    Aug 19th 2009 !⃝

    To me I think the song is about him wanting an ex back into his life and he's thinking up a situation in his mind where she's tlkg ot her but he says don't waste your time your already the voice inside my head and him wanting to confront her about his feelings but at the same time he wants her to think that he's doing just fine without and he's confused as to which one he should actually do

  12. MrLlamaLlama
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    Aug 5th 2009 !⃝

    Fundamentally, I think this song is about missing someone. However, not someone that's moved away or passed on, but rather changed.

    Hello there, the angel from my nightmare:

    The narrator is describing how the person has now become a nightmare, his nightmare, but deep inside the person lies an angel, but the person is now so wrapped up in negativity they've become negative.

    The shadow in the background of the morgue:

    A sense of evil in this line, the person is clearly now a much more veil person, who lingers in bad places. (The morgue could represent a suicidal mind, the person lingering to stop them doing it.)

    Unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley:

    The person may not want to have changed, but have, and have become a victim to the change they underwent, the author believes that the change was definitely negative, hence the use of the word victim.

    We can live like jack and sally if we want, where you can always find me:

    The author is willing to give up his freedom to be with this person now, willing to submit everything he has for the person.

    Halloween on Christmas:

    The author considers even adopting the darker ways the person is now involved with. The author even convinces himself that he wishes it (his embrace of the person's ways)will never end. [next line]

    The whole next verse (in interest of saving your time, one big chunk :) )

    This verse starts out with him wanting to know where the real person went, as he knew them, and that now, without them the writers nights are restless. It finishes up with the author realising, possibly, that if he let the person back into his life, or if they came back, that it would overcome him too (the sick, strange darkness could represent the peon's change)- This comes creeping into his mind whenever he thinks of her.

    (I finally caved and started putting 'her' now, I'm done with covering all my bases.)

    The next verse, represents his everyday thoughts becoming infected with evil thoughts.
    Lookign at spiders webs turns into watching them prey on things, capture them and eat their innards. The decision to call her, turning into him hearing her voice of betrayal, and him remembering how she abandoned him.

    The 'chorus', I think, at the end of the song is representative of a possible collapse into partial madness.

    He seems to think she actually wants to now spend time with him to make things better, but he now has the memories of the day she left him, and what she said to contrast this. Also, he's pushing her (or the thoughts of her) away. He's battling with his own mind.

    Just a thought, maybe a little to deep for some, and I might just be looking into it a bit too far.

    Great song nonetheless, loving Blink!

  13. anonymous
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    Jun 2nd 2009 !⃝

    Obviously it's about missing someone.
    but I think its more like he is trying to forget about the person and telling them to move on because its what they think is right, eg "dont waste your time on me your already the voice inside my head."
    but hoppus is the voice in the back of the persons head like "noooo your wrong" eg "I miss you I miss you"
    as if they are doing what they think is right but praying for the person to realise its wrong. pretending its all ok but really they are dying inside.

    The nightmare before xmas references make sense since Tim Burton did the video. plus in the first verse its like he wants things to work, like he is doing anything to make it work "we can live like jack and sally if you want, where you can always find me and well have halloween on xmas" . get it ?

    then in the second verse its like he has already said he thiks things should be apart and the person has sadly agreed and this is his feelings of regret and how he "needs somebody and always this sick strange darkness comes creepign on so haunting every time" . The "indecision to call you" also backs this up.

    The repetition on "don't waste your time on me your already the voice inside my head" is basically him trying to convince himself and the "I miss you" is his subconscious thoughts.

    It could also be perceived that "dont waste your time on me your already the voice inside my head" is what someone said to him , and "I miss you" is what he wants to say, and the verses are just how he feels.

  14. Lingling
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    May 10th 2009 !⃝

    This song is say that everyone sort of has a type of fear that is impossible to live without therefore you must live with it and you may start to think it is unnatural when you fear nothing. everyone's afraid of something

  15. anonymous
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    Mar 19th 2009 !⃝

    I think that the line "don't waste your time on me your already the voice inside my head" could have two meanings.
    Either it means don't waste your time because i've already forgotten you.
    Or it could mean you don't have to waste any time with me because you will always be the voice inside my head.
    I prefer the second one but who knows it will always be a mystery, it could have been some random words that Blink threw together.

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