What do you think Land Of Confusion means?

Disturbed - Land Of Confusion Meaning

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Album cover for Land Of Confusion album cover

Song Released: 2006

Land Of Confusion Lyrics

I must have dreamed a thousand dreams
Been haunted by a million screams
But I can hear the marching feet
They're moving into the street

Now, did you read the news today?
They say the danger has gone away
But I can see the fire's still...


    #1 top rated interpretation:
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    Oct 17th 2006 !⃝

    This was originally a song by genesis, lyrics by mike rutherford. The song is a message against apathy. During the cold war, there were very high tensions running through all political spectrums. It wasn't just america vs. Russia, it was about the disarmament of all nations and the defiance of many countries like america and russia. This lead to many civil wars like the greek civil war, korean war, vietnam war and the soviet-afghan war. These wars had super power support on different sides.

    What genesis meant by this song is that people should look more closely at what is going on, and speak out against government injustices. The song alludes to armed revolution, but I believe that the band only used that to make it clear that they were talking about revolution, not armed revolution specifically.

    Distubed's rendition echoes genesis' original intent, they just updated the musical stylings for a new generation. I believe that distrbed is simply renewing the message, and not creating there own interpretation. The videos do have different focuses though, genesis focuses on the governments unwillingness to compromise and the peoples unwavering trust in it's government. Disturbed focuses on the corruption of government in a capitalist society.

    Both videos, however are saying that it is the people, that are ultimately responsible for the actions and accountability of their government.


    #2 top rated interpretation:
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    Jun 3rd 2007 !⃝

    1st Verse:
    We're always sitting still while we hears the screams of millions of people being pressured, killed etc.

    2nd Verse:
    The government tells us everything is okay. That the danger is gone, and we can go back to our normal life. But the singer sees through this, and knows everything is still going on.

    3rd Verse:
    Most of Earth's population is creating problems that can't be solved. Such as murder, theivery etc. Not much love is going around because most believe the evils of war are the way to go, showing no feelings to the victim.

    4th Verse:
    We live in this world, and we were put here to make it better. Many people don't, but we should try. Just to make the world fun and happy to live in.

    5th Verse:
    Fighting back isn't working. We're calling for a Superman(Hero) to help us through it. All of the other heroes have turned evil with the power of war, money, government etc., and we need one good one to help us through.

    6th Verse:
    Besides likeness to the third, we need to look to the future. A future we hope to be shrouded in peace and love.

    7th Verse:
    (Look at Verse 4)

    8th Verse:
    A long time ago, we had peace. Peace and no war. But that was so long ago. We protected others from harm. Now it's every man for himself.

    9th Verse:
    We're finally going to fight back. We're going to overcome the power that controls us. We'll fight as hard as we can, no matter what happens.

    10th Verse:
    (Look at Verse 3.)

    11th Verse:
    (Look at Verse 4)

    12th Verse:
    We fought back. We won.

  3. anonymous
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    Dec 2nd 2017 !⃝

    The ''Land Of Confusion'' song that has been''DISTURBED'' in order to be ACKNOWLEDGED again, actually had begun to mix and stir us together EVER SINCE the beginning of GENESIS. And have been confusing us throughout the ages UP to that present time of the 1980's. When all forms of tragedies were beginning to fall apart again UPON our humanity's soul of us ordinary people. When all hell began to brake loose with the collapse of the Berlin wall and the fall of communism in Soviet Union Russia. That opened the Pandora's Box. By which the good was turned upside down in people by a Unholy Evil that gave rise to the Neo Con Nazi Zionists Fascist Mob. With the help of that Catholic Pope of course. Back then Those who chose to be in that cesspool of corruption ''All'' took advantage of the fall of the Federation of U.S.S.R to turn themselves dirty and evil towards misusing again the left hand path of black magic with military power that began to rampage and divide the Balkans and Her people again, that led Up to the tragedy of 9/11 to use against breaking apart and destroying the Middle Eastern Countries and the Christians there. Along with Ukraine that would lead Nato closer to see Russia finally be occupied. All for once wanting to make more room there for ''their own kind of C.I.A [catholic international agency] controlled communist dictators, But of course under the name of Freedom and Democracy. Which all was infiltrated and supported by the Mossad State Of Israel within the ''Land Of Confusion''.

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  4. anonymous
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    Sep 29th 2015 !⃝

    Watch the music video it is good. It explains a lot..

  5. anonymous
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    Nov 7th 2012 !⃝

    the song was originally written by genesis and was covered by disturbed in 2006, so its not really disturbed's lyrics....how ever it does have a powerful message for the us government\military when it was threatening with nuclear stuff

  6. anonymous
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    Aug 16th 2012 !⃝

    my teacher would say the video would be about how the bankers make more money from 1 day of war then 10 years of peace and how that banks will pay for soldiers of any kind to gun down insanity civilization

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  7. anonymous
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    Aug 12th 2012 !⃝

    i think the disturbed version is saying that the government was confused with what was happening and that genocide should never happen, and society fight back against the government for sitting back and doing nothing while acts of genocide take place......... this may be wrong but it is just what i think.

  8. anonymous
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    Oct 21st 2011 !⃝

    The song is about the increased social malaise, and international tensions. It was written in 1986 during the Cold War, and has no connection to Iraq, or either Gulf War.

    The governments of the day seemed unable to control events, even the Wests superpower, the United States, was unable to control international politics, defiant leaders like Khomeini, Gaddafi, Gorbachev, Kim Jong were aggressive and no one seemed able to rein them in. (All of these leaders are displayed in the video as an example of how things are spinning out of control) Reagan is portrayed as superman, unable to do everything, and drowning in his own sweat.

    The way out of this, is for people to drive things forward on their own, with social activism. If the governments arent able to create a better world, then people should take to the streets, hear the sound of marching feet (protestors, not soldiers) The destiny of peace, isnt in the hands of superman, but in the individual.

  9. anonymous
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    Apr 13th 2010 !⃝

    I think the song is about the battle between heaven and hell and everything evil.

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  10. anonymous
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    Feb 22nd 2010 !⃝

    Excellent cover of an old Genesis song. Disturbed has an amazing gift for "metalizing" old pop favorites, breathing new life into them. Looks like some of you knew it was a Genesis song, others were clueless. One word monkeytards, Google.

  11. anonymous
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    Feb 15th 2010 !⃝

    This song is a Remake of the song "land of confusion" by Genesis. None of the lyrics belong to disturbed.

  12. demonz_blood
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    Mar 21st 2009 !⃝

    This song is talking about all the world powers china russia etc. and how the government of america says they are trying to make peace but really they are one of the powers taking over and destroying the world. It shows at the UN all the countries together and one big leader controlling the world. Not only this but it also shows how most people are to blind to see this happening and how we are not doing anything to stop it.

  13. cybergridlock
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    Oct 9th 2008 !⃝

    I guess no one is paying attention to the true meaning of this video. The video is clearly point at the UN and “Big Corporations”. These two are clearly taking over the world. Soon, we will have a “New World Order”, if we don’t do something about it.

  14. anonymous
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    Jul 29th 2008 !⃝

    What I think it's about, is that the government has become obsessed with money and power, so they've become corrupt, and have done everything they can to steal money from their people. but the people rebel and give the government no choice but to put them in their place by sending out all those gas mask people. like when I went to the Philippines, the government doesn't care about the poor people, just the rich. and it's simple. rich=richer poor=poverty... it's a land of confusion...

  15. Davidrocker1
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    Jul 5th 2008 !⃝

    I think that the song is about how the world is goin wrong. It's about how the government is trying to control us and we are ALL destroying the world. 1 guy comes in to change all that and they send in armies to kill him thinking if someone can change this then we must stop them. But the don't stop him and he ends up destroying the, often used, "man" that is controlling everything.

  16. anonymous
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    Feb 25th 2008 !⃝

    Dad once said that it's about world pollution. Note where it says stuff like:
    The sun was shining, & all the stars were bright... - like, pollution makes the world unclean so U can't see that sorta stuff.
    And, the man of steel (Superman), these men of power - that's the government, but I think it's also referring 2 stuff like cities and governments (the men of steel I think ARE the government). Yeah, they're losing control.
    To make it a place worth fighting for!
    Personally, I loved this song always! It's a leaner, meaner, and a heavier version of Phil Collins', and it has that particularly nice Disturbed twist 2 it!

  17. anonymous
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    Sep 1st 2007 !⃝

    Rutherford actually wrote the song much earlier than its release date, during the later part of the cold war, but the interpretation is pretty clear regarding the state of world politics of that time and yet seems applicable to most times as best reflected by the chap who thought it was a current release.

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