Lady Gaga - Judas Meaning

Song Released: 2011
Judas Lyrics
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Juda-a-a
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Gaga
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Juda-a-a
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Gaga
When he...
I think she's talking about herself and her counter self.. ie Jesus and Judas respectively.. about how even after Jesus being her virture, she finds herself clinging to Judas
Im not too sure what everything means but I believe she represents Mary Magdalena, who was rumored to be a prositute, sometimes shown as Jesus's lover or wife, and is largely forgotten. People mistake her with Jesus's mother Mary but they arnt the same.
First I would like to say that I am a follower of Jesus. Second why is it that Christians take offense to stuff like this? If you don't like don't listen to it. But reading into something like you know the person and making terrible interpretations does not bring life to this situation. Why don't we quit worrying so much about Lady Gaga and worry about our neighbor next to us who is in need. So quit making it about gay rights and the end of religion or whatever else has been conjured up from this song. I think it is easy to point the finger at a singer and blast their songs. It makes it much easier to rationalize the fact that we are not doing anything to bring life around us. Since Jesus entered the world people have be for him or against him. This is not new. So stop taking offense to what you think is misuse if his name and let's start bringing life around us.
Joshua -
Who in th bible had said this? "You are Jesus, the Son of God" and then trembled after saying the words? This is Satan, who acknowledged Jesus with al His virtues but denied Him as His Lord and God. And the best way to deny the Kingship or Lordship of Jesus is to deny the bible and the true Christianity.
The culture and the future, Lady Gaga's talking about is the future away from Jesus. She's a messenger, and definitely not of our Lord Jesus Christ. -
When he calls to me, I am ready
I'll wash his feet with my hair if he needs
Forgive him when his tongue lies through his brain
Even after three times, he betrays me
The first two lines are somewhat vague, I can offer that Jesus' feet were washed by the hair of a prostitute on the way to his death... however, we've only had mention of Judas thus far so she could be claiming her devotion to judas to be similar to the devotion of the prostitute to jesus.
Now the next two lines are quite clear in what they are addressing and the theme from them develops throughout the video and song. Jesus prophesized that Peter would betray 3 times before the cock crowed.. this is the only instance of thrice betrayal in the Bible that I can remember. Peter lied when being asked if he was a disciple of jesus three times at his persecution to escape persecution.
I couldn't love a man so purely
Even prophets forgave his goofy way
I've learned love is like a brick, you can
Build a house or sink a dead body
We have more claim for love of Judas and then this verse. During this verse in the music video she motions to Peter during the last two lines. Once again the first two lines, are somewhat vague as it seems now there are three potential candidates about whom she could be talking. The gesture to Peter calls to mind his name, Jesus named him "peter" because peter means rock and it was to be out of peter that Jesus church would be built. A rock for a building could be refered to as a brick.. The vatican of the catholic church is supposedly built atop of peter's tomb. Now onto the significance of love in this. For medieval catholic scholars Faith Hope and Love are the most important virtues. Love has a special place amongst these two even for the medievals theologians. Then there is a group of catholic theoligians (they tend to be part of the liberal catholic movement)who proclaim that Love is the most important virtue and only qualifier to be saved at kingdom come. Basically love has a very special place in catholicism it is why god created us it is what jesus brought us... nothing but good old fashioned love. So the house would be the catholic church.. the dead body would seem to be jesus perhaps she is claiming here that jesus' message has been lost by the catholic church.
I'll bring him down, bring him down, down
A king with no crown, king with no crown
Once again there are many possibilities for whom she speaking of, Jesus was noted for having a crown of thorns. Judas had no crown. The catholic church/pope/peter don't have crowns.. the pope wears a funky however...
In the most Biblical sense,
I am beyond repentance
Fame hooker, prostitute wench vomits her mind
But in the cultural/conjugal sense
I just speak in future tense
Judas kiss me if offensed,
Or wear ear condom next time
This is a quite brilliant verse, very prophetic and true. Yes in the biblical sense Lady gaga is in trouble if she is indeed all she says she is, she could still repent however, if she were to maintain the capacity for sincerity of heart and love.. however, onward we go. The phrase "kiss of death" comes from Judas in the bible, when he betrayed Jesus he was to go and kiss the man who was to be seized. He kissed jesus on the cheek to indicate to the guards who he was. Now in the video she lipsticks Judas for giving the kiss of death to jesus. This could be taken as "Judas betray me if offensed..." now the funny line is "or wear ear condom next time" The catholic church is quite against condom usage as any ejaculation w/out the purpose of procreation is defying the natural laws and gifts that god gave us and is perverting our nature. Now the "ear condom" is perfect because thus far the only response by the catholic church has been "Lady gaga is irrelevant" they prefer to ignore her.
Now I would like to take a look at what is going on in the video to explain the cultural/conjugal sense. Judas kisses Jesus and all hell breaks loose symbolically in the video. We see Lady gaga standing on a rock in the sea then in a tub w/ Jesus and Judas. She washes one of Jesus' feet. Now the scene at the sea has been said by one of the producers to be a spoof of the Birth of Venus.. however, gaga isn't naked like Venus... but dressed quite lavishly in a blue turquoise and green heavily ornamented dress. In greek mythology, uranus' genitals were cut and thrown into the sea from them Venus congealed to rise from the sea. Another allusion we might make of this would be the whore of babylon rising out of the beast of the sea... However Gaga becomes enveloped by the sea. The sea and water in tarot, mythology, occult, even catholicsm is interpreted to represent emotions. Upon being enveloped by the torrents of emotions she throws the water in the tub in the air and turns to Judas not washing Jesus' second foot. Hence, she has been absorbed by the feelings that lead her away from jesus to judas. It is also notable that the dress she is wearing adorns the colors of the aeon. This is a crowley tarot card The Aeon represents the New Age a prophesized cultural shift and long awaited for event by occultists.. it is essentially what happens to gaga. The people of the world become enlightened we claim that all prophets really said we should be nice to eachother, there are no struggles anymore and the world essentially becomes a massive orgy of people sharing in whatever they want sex, food, drugs... yay...
She "clings" to judas.. and we see a woman in a wedding dress being stoned to death.. I'll mention a quite ugly woman.. the dress is quite awkward looking and while it does not have the colors of crowley "Art" tarot card it is the same design and shape. When referencing this scene gaga has said that it refers to her sacrificing herself for her "Faith hope and inspiration."... she left off love or she could have been a catholic theologian.. shucky darn. Considering the catholic themes of the video we might also consider another meaning here as the catholic church is often referred to as "the true bride of jesus christ" she also said she is the bride and jesus is the bridegroom... This scene packs a lot of meaning if catholics judge her they are attacking new age art and making her a martyr for her inspiration... if not the catholic church falls... The "cultural/conjugal" (I don't know which one she says) future tense is the New Age, wherein we abandon Jesus and all prophets to claim they are the same and we are the wiser and have that orgy porgy that brings about a peace without love as we become animals only serving our desires and abandoning values. Crowley and many occult prophets and writers have claimed that this time will dawn at the destruction of the catholic church. So this song is ringing in the new age, encouraging young girls to abandon fidelity.
For those of you who interpret this song to be about loving the wrong man, let us note that she "clings" to judas. This really isn't about love, love in the song is reduced to infatuation with the thrills one can take from a bad boy. For the New Age to come, girls need to cling to bad boys who run away when the girl has a child so the family structure is destroyed along with fidelity. I'm not claiming that a woman cannot raise a child properly on her own, however, this situation is a very difficult one for the woman child and society and the infidelity comes from the bad boy running off to do whatever or whoever. If this is your interpretation of the song (that it is about loving the bad boy) and you find yourself clinging to bad boys, ask yourself if it is a relationship wherein you are loving both yourself and bad boy as an end in yourselves and if the relationship could have a future wherein you could grow and learn together and if the thrills of clinging to him are really what's right for you. And if you are in the unlucky group of girls who's judas doesn't run away and you find yourself in an abusive relationship for love of yourself please don't cling to him and don't let him tell you your abuse is your own fault, but realize that you are worthy of being loved properly. "oooh he's saying that Lady Gaga is promoting women to be victims..." well she does love judas and hopelessly clings to him and I should mention Judas is considered the great betrayer, he is an awfully strong symbol of hate while Jesus is love. Also, miss gaga has said the song is about forgiving those who've wronged you and forgiving yourself and that's great it really is forgiveness is a virtue and we should forgive, yet we don't have to tolerate further abuse from others, and shouldn't constantly forgive ourselves for wrongs but should try to better ourselves and others... If you can't help the others you might just have to leave if they're doing harm to you some people can't be helped. In a way Lady Gaga is actually promoting women to be victims of abuse by clinging to who a lot of people consider to be the most evil of humans to ever walk the face of the earth.
Seriously folks, postmodernity was essentially a burn out of modernity to start with, the cultural waters have been stagnant for quite some time now. Cultural movements always have a way of flopping the prior movement. The post modern cynical "no" is currently (with this video) becoming the New Age's lascivious "Yes". Where cynicism and denial of values will turn into us accepting all values and cultures indiscriminately, and coming to share in the worst parts of what man is. Watch zeitgeist or venus project if you don't believe me, the New Age is on its way here and this video its prophecy and dawning and preaches its valueless values. Am I saying we should be discriminate towards religions and cultures and the like? No, but in the New age tolerance is nothing more than a lazy indifference, "Yeah Muhammed, Krishna, and Jesus all taught the same thing, we know better now" Ummm no read the stuff, its not the same but whatever your beliefs you can still be tolerant to others without claiming their beliefs are the same as yours. Another note here, it is often said against christians or anyone who critiques another individual "Jesus said he hath no sin may cast the first stone" which is kind of a reference in the last part of the video. True Jesus did say that, but let us remember that Jesus went to the woman and told her to change her ways. It is not our right to persecute others for their ways, however we may have our judgements about us and discern right from wrong.
Who am I to be typing all this, a conspiracy theorist? No, not really I'm sorry to disappoint. I was raised in a catholic community and subsequently an exile of the community.. had a big falling out with the church... didn't believe in it afterwards and became a little occultist, played tarot for ten years, read the works of crowley and other satanists, studied psychology and the like. However, after studying religions and really pushing myself too far into the occult way of life, I found myself reflecting on my life and I realized catholicism is the way. As a teen and young adult, I was looking forward to the dawning of the new age, what young guy wouldn't, however, with age and experience I've realized that it really isn't the best thing for the world or the individual. The catholic church officials are putting condoms on their ears and not really offering interpretations, but really we've got to wake up to this stuff people. The new age sounds fun and great but act on it if you believe in it. You will find that your desires are infinite while your body is very finite. The only thing we can do to stop the New Age is to Awaken to the human values we all share instead of having one valueless value and sharing in desires. However, we're way way behind the new age as it seems to be starting. Also, more evidence of Gaga being a new ager is that she claims her work and life is about navigating the dark and light. Google the high priestess tarot card she sits between two pillars one black one white, while adorned with various religious symbols, all religions are simply adornments for man as he floats following his passions... and the "Holy fool" also a tarot card, it is the state of human perfection for the occult, a fool following his heart while walking over the abyss... "I'm just a holy fool baby its so cruel" and the passion she follows, is judas the betrayer... seriously folks, don't write me off a conspiracy theorist... look this shit up and read about it. I've been open about this pointed towards the equivocities in my interpretation, which tend to be the first two lines of each verse, however there is an underlying theme one can identify here, and if you call it love of the wrong person, then why listen to this song and promote the clinging to the wrong stuff. And if you believe the dawning of the New Age to be a good thing, then good for you, act on it not subtly, but throw yourself at your passions with rage and will power. You'll find that you just become a slave to them and will never stop the hunger in your soul or heart. Knowledge, real love, real art, these are things we can share in and take pleasure in without singeing our tongues. Anywho, if you wanna hear a good love song, check out "servo" by brian jonestown massacre.
Sorry for the long rant, however I just hope that we can all come together through the difficult times we are currently facing and are going to face and share in the noble traits of humanity rather than the vulgar.
God bless folks!!!
Is only God and Gaga who knows what the song is all about,the rest of us can not search Gaga's mind.
hahaha!! man, very funny specially the ones that keep quoting bible passage or relating the lyrics to the bible :)) sheep... meeehhh. :D peace :D
you know shes freemason. she worships satan so shes saying that she knows shes supposed to worship God but still wants to worship satan
So enchanting but so designed to pull the thread from the quilt binding us together
6 billion people living on a tiny planet all pulling in a different direction ascribing to an ethos " Do what thou wilt " .
Ever tried playing a game with no umpire , driving on a busy road with no street signs !
And Jesus wept !
I'm not going to give my interpretation of the song, because I don't really get it either, but I can say this: if Lady Gaga didn't mean for the song to be interpreted the way it was( all devilish and crap) why would she have made it in the first place? She knows, just like everyone else, that people take songs literally and that songs that talk about religion are especially seen as contreversial. I'm not saying she meant for it to be taken as satanic, but she knew what she was doing when she wrote a song titled Judas. She either wanted more attention or wanted it to be satanic.
People we have to think outside the box a bit here :
For the ones who says that Lady Gaga has claimed that this song is about a former bad relation, I can't buy this for one reason, when a person do a crime he will never come in public and say : hey yes I did it !
Why on earth would someone try to give an example or a metaphor about his love relation and compare it to Jesus or the bible???
Now I surely believe that this song has an evil thing behind it , every time I listen to it, it causes me discomfort and the images from the video are evil too !
Now we all know that satin exist and that there is a group that serves him the same group that made Gaga a star and now tries to send its believes to the world through songs cause that’s what we love and listen to the most! ( a new world order!!)
Now you might agree or disagree its up to you, but remember the meat dress that Gaga wore in the last awards? Can someone explain why she did that, though it wasn't a lovely image to see, I wanted to through up, but those are all satanic acts being un usual in a disgusting way
Least but not last: change Judas to Lucifer in the lyrics and read it again!!!
Now Lady Gaga may know or she might not but there is a group that controls her songs, her moves and even her Fame!!
They can turn her from a super star into nothing in a glance like what happen to others before her!!
Lady Gaga is a satanist. All her songs are so evil and twisted. She is very open about the pact she made with satan and he owns her now. ln paparazzi she said she would do anything for the fame. She was asking for it and she got it. SHE is an open stanist but everyone overlooks it cause its "uncool" to be a religious person.
It is crazy that everybody jumps to the obvious answer: that she is a devil worshipper. Have you ever thought that, that is what she wants to make you think so that you can turn against her and she can have all these fans go against her so that she can tell them the true meaning of this song? Maybe it is a little dramatic. but Lady Gaga says she is just talking about past relationships with guys and how she keeps turning away from the good to the bad ones that will hurt her again and again. Personally, I love the song and I love Lady Gaga. I would love to have her bring her meat dress over to my barbecue and hang out with her:) No, but really I think she is a creative person to write her own lyrics and have their own meaning so that stupid and ignorant people will think untrue things about her so that she gets the last laugh. *rolls eyes* I love Jesus too. His sacrifice was also remembered in this song and the song speaks of sinners that turn away from Jesus even though they know what the right thing to do is. If I was Jesus I would laugh because this song is so true.
Seriously Lady Gaga How do you have dignidy whem you are talking about our Jesus, the person that give us the opportunity of living.
Lady Gaga is Obviously A Devil Worshiper. She qot Fame And Money When She Sold Her Soul To Him. She is Clearly Beeinq Bold About The Fact That She Worships Evil And Does Evil. There is A God Out There That is Tryinq To Rescue Her. But She is Too Far In.
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