Lady Gaga - Judas Meaning

Song Released: 2011
Judas Lyrics
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, I'm in love with Juda-as, Juda-as
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Juda-a-a
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Gaga
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Juda-a-a
Judas, Juda-a-a, Judas, Gaga
When he...
Everybody up there that claims that Lady Gaga is all pro-Christian, answer this. If she was a follower of God, then why would she even write a song that would inspire so much controversy? And even though she may say she's "Catholic", I've got news for you. Like so many other famous figures, it's possible she could be LYING. Once somebody achieves the level of fame that Gaga has, you don't want it getting out there that you're Athiest or that you think Christianity should be ended.I do think "Judas" is sacrilegious, personally, but I'm not gonna kill other people for feeling the way they do. I just think they need to see the light about it. Besides, why would anybody force themselves to listen to this music? It sounds like garbage. Go listen to a halfway decent performing artist/group, not this.
Dudes and dudettes... I'm Christian and I love Lady Gaga. I've been attacked for it, but her music is feel-good and catchy.
Sure, Lady Gaga went was raised Catholic, but people do stray. I'm not saying she's strayed though... If you're Christian, God says HE's the only One that can judge us. No one else is God. No one else has the right to judge.
This metaphor was a poor choice, but I think I get what she means. Traitorous boyfriends... Forgive :) -
The song is basically about her falling for the devil, although she knows it is wrong. I dont think it is against christianity, and Lady Gaga has even said she believes in god.
She talks about the washing of the feet and other important incidents.
The song is basically about her falling for the devil, although she knows it is wrong. I dont think it is against christianity, and Lady Gaga has even said she believes in god.
She talks about the washing of the feet and other important incidents.
At a point I don't understand Gaga,to my understanding of dat song I thing she's not for Christ. Judas as we know is not a good person,so why should she cling to him?I think she should mind her choice of words.
Sure Lady Gaga is a Catholic/Christian but that doesn't mean she's a "true" one. The song basically says she likes Jesus but she'd rather worship the devil- she does worship the devil.
She's in my prayers anyway :) -
she needs jesus more than any1 , she knows it in her heaert, onli rejecting it cuz she gotta bow down to baphomet, the demon she sold her soul to jus to be famous... Im so sorry for these ppl.. she, rihanna, jayz, beyonce, kanye and others they know them selves as the lord said the world will come to the end one day wether he wih it not..
i bet her life is incomfortable and she hates it alot n she wish she didnt sell her soul i could emagine the misery dese ppl face for the cnt even make a choice for them own selves.. since they are controlled by their demons.... 2 late shall be the cry of many!!! -
wooooow all you religious going to hell type people are just messed up. like the normal people here are saying it was about a relationship, i knew that once i heard it, ive been there, ive had a guy who was horrible to me but i still couldnt leave him bc i loved him. you weird crazy shes going to hell people need to watch the music video and you will get more of a sense of things, its obvious she loves jesus but shes drawn to judas and sin bc shes human and everyone yes everyone has commited sin. read Romans 3:23 and maybe you will get it a little bit better. as for everyone defending her you guys rock shes an awesome person and in no way is she bad.
Judas is a song about a man who betrays her, possibly cheating, yet she still loves him.
'I'm just a holy fool
Oh baby, he's so cruel
But I'm still in love with Judas, baby'
She probably used Judas because in the Christian religion, Judas betrayed Jesus (however, it was not meant in offence in any way), so these lyrics show that she's a fool for it but she's still in love with a man that betrayed her.
You people are blinded Lady Gaga is apart of the Anti-Christ and the Devil Worshipers. It's about her relationships and Jesus in terrible ways. Im on eleven and i know this. she is tricking you in a way that you cant see it. if you DO read the bible than you should know this. and i recommend if you have childrean and you dont ant them to grow up and be a crazy psycho Lady GAga like person than teach them.
lady gaga is not a satanist, or an atheiest. shes a really spiritual woman who is praying constantly backstage on concerts. she wrote a song with biblical refernces in it, big deal. shes not literally in love with judas iscariot. calm down you presumptuous snobs.
All I can say is...No matter what Gaga sings, the lyrics and video show what she really mean and I'm sure she's up to something. Just open your eyes not to be easily deceive to whether or not she's from God or the Devil. The Lyrics of her song may sound good (but even demons can dress like angels), you may probably realize that she's mocking Jesus at some point...I mean what's the prosthesis is all about?
So I have read most of this not that I needed to I dont listen to any type of music but gospel but you cant hide from the world and I heard this out of my comfort zone and curiousity got the better of me (unfortunately). People are so ignorant Gaga is not lying so is not speaking in code, she is telling you straight out. All of you say its a metaphor but the video speaks otherwise, she completely elivated Judas to Jesus' level. Stop making excuses she is not making excuses herself and all the christians out there not listening to her (God forgive me for actually being silly and watching this), gosh its indecent. N all you who will say you only watched it so you can explain it. Thats a lie from hell, read psalms 1... Jesus never slept with a woman and then say I sin so I can better explain it, no ''flee from the very APPEARANCE of evil''.
Okay........ I've listened to Lady GaGa ever since her first CD.... I believe in God, and I LOVE Jesus with ALL of my heart. I pray daily, try the very hardest I can to uphold the commandments and to NOT sin against my Lord. I study my bible almost daily (I miss very few days...) and to the person on the first page of comments... It was 30 pieces of silver........ 30.... Not 50........ It's not a big deal, but if you're going to go off on a rant like that, get your facts straight or else people will not take your information seriously... Even as close as I am to Jesus, I do NOT believe that Gaga had sacrilegious intentions with this song.... INTENTIONS.... don't take that out of context..... I completely DO NOT agree with the story in which she conveyed her plight... I disagree with Gaga on a lot of things, however we are all sinners saved by the grace of God Almighty and can't condemn others for their sins until we ourself are completely cleansed. We can disagree, but DO NOT CONDEMN!!!! It's not your place! Also, the bible is not some "antiquated" piece of history that was meant for people "way back when".... If you ACTUALLY READ IT like I do, and ACTUALLY STUDY IT IN DEPTH, you'll find that a lot of the things that you've heard or the verses you quote, are typically being taken out of context and perverted to fit the meaning of the quoters agenda. Live and let live people. If you disagree with someone on something, simply tell them so, and then give them a detailed explanation as to why you disagree with them all the while maintaining your composure... If you don't have a detailed description as to why you disagree, don't say anything because chances are you're going to do more damage than good...... Food for thought....
i am also a christian, and my interpretation of this song, is that she is trying to tell us, that she trys to be good, but it is easier to be bad the good. you may say that i got this song the wrong way, but in my opinion, i think that us what she is meaning to say.
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